Suprise ||42||

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I pulled up at Riley's house and got out of the car and headed to the door to knock. Riley is a old friend of mines back in middle school but that's when he dropped out of school because of something real personal and nobody saw him sense like in person. He be active on instagram a lot though because he always comment under my pictures, oh yeah another thing he had the biggest crush on me until we actually became close he knew I wasn't about that relationship so we got to know each other and found out we had a lot in common

Anyway I'm here because Darren wants payback of something Diamond took away from him he won't tell me what it is but this plan sounds great to get rid of Diamond. I heard Tray is suppose to take her out maybe if he sees that Diamond left him alone he won't kill her.

Well Riley was close to Xavier they was best friends until Diamond turned evil and tried to kill Xavier because she thought that Xavier and I had something going on so he moved and this is also which is why this whole entire thing started because of Diamond's jealousy.

I knocked and knocked until Riley came up to the door

"Yoooo," he wiped himself with his towel and looked up at me licking his lips and smiled with his straight white teeth glimmering

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"Yoooo," he wiped himself with his towel and looked up at me licking his lips and smiled with his straight white teeth glimmering. Wooo brown skin boys an'it my type but with that smile and his teeth... lords knows. He chuckled "Wassup?" He was smiling none stop I had to look away


"Would you like to come in?" I just pushed him to the side and stepped in

"So this how you living? How you making the money?" I looked at him, he has a nice pretty big house and live on the other side of town I think I know what he does

"That's what your wearing? How you making the money?" He mimicked

I looked at him as if I was confused "Oh that's what we doing now?" He nodded "Why you run away?"

"Why you give up?" He fired back

"Why do you have to hide?"

"Nothing, why are you acting like you chase bags so much?"

"Because I do. No literally what do you have to chase bags for?"

"Because I do. Literally what is yo point of trying to argue?" He said and someone came down the steps I reach eye to eye with Xavier. I smiled

"Xavier," he looked totally different

"Xavier," he looked totally different

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