Meeting mothers ||24||

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(Yes it's Mana)


We just landed and I am rushing to get to my daughter thank god she's alive. I swear I'm going to kill Nikki for taking my daughter in the first place I was worried sick about her Nikki just don't know how to listen because she isn't listening to what I tell her not to do imma' kill her I swear.

Mel, Paisley and I are going to the hotel now and get her she better hope that Roni is here I an'it come all the way down here just to travel and not find my daughter I'm down here to get her and bring her back home, to find her. Plus I'm paying Paisley more money better have the right addy'

"Are you sure we're going to the right hotel?" Mel asked Paisley



We all got out of the Uber and went inside of the hotel

"Wait did you see which room she went in?" I wondered

"Yeah. Third floor room one oh seven,"

We cashed into our rooms we all had our own rooms of course "Aiight we here. Y'all put y'all things that need to be put up and meet back out here," We all went to our rooms and it was just me

I put all my stuff down got my phone and called my one and only bae.



:Aye we all here, in the same hotel too what's the next thing to do.? -5:45pm

Nikki: Make sure I'm clear so I can leave without getting caught. Then y'all going to check and see that I left then call me after y'all bust in because I have to tell you what to do next. -5:46pm

: Ight bet.

I got out of our messages and then deleted them and turned my volume down and put my phone on do not disturb

I went out in the hall to see that she's leaving

"Aye yo' where the kid?" I asked whispering from across the hall

"Gone." Someone door opened and we both jumped it wasn't Mel's nor Tray's so we was good "I'm going to hurry up and get out of here." She then left me out in the hall by myself


We all met up a couple of minutes ago and we've been talking

"Aiight y'all time to get my daughter," Tray stood up


I'm so ready like I'm so ready.

"You sure this is the room?" Paisley nodded her head yes "Aiight let's get it." We banged on the door

Nobody answered and we didn't hear nothing from inside we kept banging and banging I gave Mel a look for him to do what he has to do, Paisley and I moved out of the way and Mel stepped all the way back from the door I nodded my head. He ran into the door and it busted open we then all ran in there saw nothing

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