I'm sorry..||26||

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(A week later;Shawnta )


Every since Tray came back from New York he's been avoiding me and it's killing me he hasn't talk to me about anything but we chill in the same bedroom together I don't know for sure but I really think that his daughter is like gone and he can't find her I don't know. He hasn't talked to me and he been really rude towards me.

I sat up in bed and he moved, his phone start ringing on the nightstand next to him he picked it up I tried to look and see who it was but all I saw was "😍🍑" I shook my head "Hello? Mannn... You lying, fuck! (He put his hand on his head) It can't be mine. I don't give a fuck! Man bye." He hung up the phone. Ladies if you hear yo' man saying that into a phone with someone with those emojis what would you automatically think? Exactly 'It can't be mine' fuck can't be yours?

I stared at him as he got out of the bed "Fuck you staring at?" He said being so rude

"You nigga. Look I don't know what gotten into you but you taking all that shit out on me, I'm not having that." I got up in his face

"Get the fuck outta' my face,"

"No let me see your phone." I went to the bed and grabbed it

"Bruh but my phone down." He assisted

"No!" He came up to me while I tried to unlock his phone he deleted my fingerprint and changed his password wow I tried to fight it that I don't want to give him his phone back I'm trying to see wassup "why you change your password and delete my fingerprint? You got something to hide?" I asked him

"Bruh stop playing and give me my phone back damn!" He yelled and now I'm his bruh okay bet. We was still fighting like no your not about to get your phone "Aiight just keep the fucking phone,"

"I will." He then slammed me on the bed and put my arms behind my back so I couldn't move them and held me there until he got his phone.. I didn't notice I was screaming until I got up well tried to get up. This time my butt was in the air with me on my knees on the bed with my head on the bed

"You playin' way to much now." he smacked my ass

"No please baby I'm sorry!"

"You should of thought of that when you was up in my face." I just had some little ass shorts on without anything under so he just put my shorts to the side. He brought out his dick and put his tip in and then put half of his dick in, when I tell y'all it hurt it hurt because every time Tray fuck me in this position it hurt.

"Noo!" I tried to run away but he wasn't having that he went all the way in and fucked me hard all you could hear from me was "Fuck! Ow! Tray!" I was trying to run away but he had me locked

"Would you stop trying to run away?"

"Can you stop fucking me so hard?" I moaned out. He pulled out and I threw myself down he began to get dressed "You mad?" He didn't answer, here this shit go again

I'm really tired of this he an'it telling or talking to me at all. I'm just about to leave since I can't get no fucking attention out this bitch.


Jayen and I are just now flying back and I'm going straight to see my brother I know he's broken down and hurt I just hope that girl I think he's still with an'it making it worse because I know my brother.

So I can't wait until we land so I could go talk to my brother I really missed him honestly. I'm going to miss Roni that was my only niece, that was Tray only daughter and we lost her all because of Nikki stupid ass.

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