Ch. 8

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Ashton's POV

Grace has been on tour with us for about 3 months now. We've become really close friends and I think I'm falling even harder for her. Since there are only four bunks in the bus and she doesn't have any where else to go we've been sleeping together in my bunk. Michael told me something very interesting about Calum today. He's gay.

Calum's POV

I recently have been having feelings for Louis. I don't know what it is but he's just so cute and funny and sweet. He's also really fucking hot and I just wanna cuddle him and kiss him so much. I wonder if he's gay?

Louis' POV

I am gay. And I like Calum. Or do I?

Grace's POV

Me and Ashton have been sleeping together for about three months. And no not in that way. Just cuddling in a way that we can both fit in the basically spooning. Anyway I'm pretty sure that I'm falling for Ashton. I feel like me and him should be more than just friends. I REALLY like him a lot. We always smile at each other and are flirting and I just have really strong feelings for him. I hope he feels the same way about me...

*3 weeks later*

Michael's POV

Grace still hasn't woken up yet and I'm worried about her. Since the bus crash things have been different between me and the boys. Ashton is doing ok. Grace and him are in the same room together. He woke up yesterday and was worried sick about her. I can really tell he loves her. I think she might love him too. But I love her and Ash always gets the girls. I on the other hand do not. It sucks so bad right now I just wish she would wake up so I could see her smiling face.

Grace's POV

I woke up to bright lights and Luke, Mike, Mags, and Calum all sitting around me or near me. I tried to look over but I couldn't. I think Ashton was in the bed next to mine. I couldn't hear anything. At least not until Mikey screamed "GUYS SHE'S AWAKE GRACE IS ALIVE SHES UP OMG!" They ran to my side and stared. "What's going on? Where am I ?" "Grace you're in the hospital. You were in a coma for three weeks." All I could think of was if Ash and everyone else was ok. "Mikey is Ash and Mags and basically everyone in this room ok?" "Yeah Gracie we're fine. We were worried you wouldn't wake up. I was scared to death that I lost you. And so was Ash." I smiled at the thought but it quickly turned to a frown when the doctor came in. "Hello Ms. Grace. How are you feeling today?" " "Horrible" I quickly responded with a sarcastic smile. The doctor told me I would be able to leave tomorrow but they wanted to run some tests. Then he left. We all started talking again....mostly making up random sentences. One was 'the blue cow enjoys drinking its own milk at night with its other half'. It made no sense at all but we all laughed our asses off. We talked a little more until "Nurse Nancy", as I like to call her, had to run some tests and told everyone to leave. They all said goodbye and told me they would be back tomorrow. After blood was drawn, blood pressure taken, heart rate checked, among many other tests, me and Ash finally got some time to talk. I found out his middle name was Fletcher, he had a brother named Harry and a sister named Lauren. He also told me he had a celeb crush on Haley Williams and Jade Thirwall and that he loved vanilla scented candles. I laughed and asked if he had a crush on anyone he knew personally and he said yes. "Who Ashy-kins?" (That's my nickname for him among others...he liked calling me Gracie or Gracie-poo) "Why do you want to know Gracie-poo?" "Because Smash I'm curious and I just want to know. Tell me pleassssseeeee?" I gave him the puppy dog eyes and he smiled. "Fine Gracie I'll tell you." He paused. "I-i-it's you." My eyes nearly popped out if my head. "Oh my gosh Ashton I had-" "No," he interrupted me,"I know what you're going to say." "Ash I was going to say I had no idea and that I like you too. A lot actually." I smiled. He smiled back and we continued talking more. He asked if I had any facts he didn't already know and I told him that my middle name was Ann, I have a celeb crush on Zac Efron and that I absolutely love dancing and acting.

Calum's POV

I'm so glad that Ash and Gracie are ok. I think I might be bi not gay. Only because Grace is gorgeous and I think we would make a cute couple. I don't even know what's going on with me am I or am I not?

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