Ch. 12

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Grace's POV

Ok so I just had two extremely cute and caring and just amazing guys that I REALLY like a lot ask me out. I don't know what to do right now. Should I say yes to Mikey or Ashy-kins. Gosh I need help. I need to talk to someone. MAGGIE AND LAUREN YES THEY CAN HELP ME! I called Mags and Lauren and told them to come over it was an emergency! When they got there they had movies, ice cream, and tissues. Exactly what I needed. I almost forgot. I needed to call my other friend who's a consultant and knows A LOT about these situations. Her name is Neh and we've known each other since high school. I called her on Skype since she was still in Ohio and we well we were in Australia. I called her and she finally picked up and we all started the convo. I gave her all the background and she said it would be a SUPER hard decision but I will have to make one. Mags and Lauren totally agreed. We thanked her and ended the call. I ended up telling Maggie and Lauren I needed some time alone to think. They said okay and left after telling me that if I need them all I need to do is call. I plugged in my headphones and started playing 'Skinny Love' by Birdy one of my top songs. I soon ended up falling asleep since it was late in the evening. I woke up around 6 in the morning still groggy from sleep. I had a dream about my choice last night. It was sort of weird. I chose one, the other was crushed, and then it fast forwarded to my future and it was totally different. So I guess that's kinda what led me to my decision.

Michael's POV

Grace called me today. She told me we needed to talk because it was really important. I hope it's about last night. Did she make her decision? Did she chose me or Ashton? Gosh I hope she chose me. I might actually be happy for once.

Ashton's POV

She called today. She said she made her choice. It wasn't me. I'm totally and completely crushed. I loved her and I thought she loved me too. But I guess not. So I'm going to attempt to move on that's all I can do. But can I move on from the one I love?

*8 months later*

Grace's POV

Michael and I have been dating for 8 months now. Today is our anniversary and I'm super excited. Ash has been drinking for awhile now. I hope he's ok. Gosh sometimes I feel like I made the wrong decision. I caught Michael with another girl one day. He said that "it meant nothing and it would never happen again and he loved me not her". For some stupid ass reason I decided to take him back. I had made a reservation at an extremely nice restaurant at 7:00 pm. It was around 5:30 so I decided to take a quick shower and start getting ready. I blow dried my hair and started warming up my curling iron. I took out the red dress I was going to wear and a pair of red stilettos since Mikey was so much taller than me. I got dressed, curled my hair, and put on some light makeup. By now it was 6:30. 'He should be here by now' I thought to myself. He called a little while later and said he was "caught up at work and wouldn't be able to make it so I might as well cancel the reservations". So I did. I cancelled the reservations and changed into some sweatpants and at t-shirt. I loaded Netflix and started watching 'He's just not that into you' one of my all time to faves. At around 9:00 the movie ended so I started watching 'How I Met Your Mother' re-runs. I was worried about him. Was he really at work? Was he cheating again? Did I make the right decision?By the time he got home it was almost 11:00 and I was pretty tired so I decided to just go to sleep on the love seat in the bus.

Michael's POV

Tonight I made the stupidest decision of my life. I cheated again. Gosh why can't I appreciate the things I have. She chose me against Ashton. That's a big deal. To me at least. I loved her and I still do just not as much. I bet she's disgusted with me. What the hell Michael why are you so dumb! Lately we've been growing apart. Like really far apart. What did I do?! How can I fix this? I don't even think I can. Should I tell her I cheated? Or just keep it to myself? I need help. I called Luke and told him what happened. He said I should just tell her, get it off my chest, and then see how I feel after. So I did. But when I got back to the bus she was asleep on the love seat. Totally out. She was so pretty when she slept. A sleeping beauty. But I need to tell her. Yet I don't want to wake her up. I'll just tell her tomorrow. So I lied down in my bunk and fell asleep.

*the next day*

Grace's POV

I woke up around 11:00. It was bright and sunny outside. I decided I should take advantage of the day so I cleaned up and got dressed in some leggings, a tank top, and some sneakers to go run. I also grabbed my iPod and some water. As soon as I was about to leave Michael woke up and stopped me. "Grace we need to talk" "Not now Michael I'm about to go run. Talk to me when I get back in about an hour." He nodded and I left. I hope it's not about last night. I want to forget last night. As I was running I got a twitter alert. So I stopped and logged in. A girl tweeted me saying she had seen Michael and another girl together last night knowing it was our 8 month anniversary. There were pictures attached of Michael and another girl kissing and holding hands at a club. I thanked her and then followed her. I looked at the pictures closely and I recognized that face. I knew it I KNEW IT! I knew he was cheating. GOD IM SO STUPID. I ran back to the bus a slapped Michael. "WHAT THE HELL MIKE! I THOUGH YOU 'LOVED ME AND CHERISHED ME AND YOU WERE SORRY FOR CHEATING AND IT WOULDNT HAPPEN AGAIN.' WHAT THE FUCK!" I started crying at this point. Ashton apparently heard all the yelling. He barged in and saw me crying. He looked horrible. He got way thinner and had really dark bags under his eyes. "Grace Michael what the hell is going on in here?" I just kept crying, I couldn't stop.

"I TRUSTED YOU MICHAEL AND YOU FUCKING WENT BEHIND MY BACK AND HAD SEX WITH ANOTHER GIRL TWICE!!!! HOW AM I EVER SUPPOSED TO TRUST YOU AGAIN? WERE DONE!" I yelled. I was so angry at him. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran into Ash on the way out and fell to the ground just crying. He hurt me so badly. I thought I could trust him. But obviously I couldn't. Ashton held me in his arms and whispered comforting things in my ear. When I stopped crying he let go and went towards Michael. He threw punches here and there and kicked him in the man's most sensitive spot. Mike went down and couldn't retaliate. He deserved it. After what he did to me he totally deserved it.

Michael's POV

She didn't deserve any of it. What did I do? How the hell did she find out? Twitter? Paparazzi? The girl? Instagram? Probably all of it. "GRACE IM SORRY I NEVER MEANT FOR THIS TO HAPPEN" "Save it Michael....goodbye go be with the other girl you clearly love so MCUH MORE THAN ME." And with that she left. I deserved to be beaten by Ashton. He deserved to beat me because he loved her and I took away one of his only sources of happiness away which led to his drinking, smoking, and sleeping around. What did I do?!

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