It's snowing!

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I grunted and tossed my sheets aside.

Why am I awake this early?

I rubbed my eyes to blink away the sleepiness. My body felt numbly cold and I realised that I have slept with my PJ shorts and half top.

I grumply made my way to the drawer but stopped halfway. My eyes widened and I sped back on my steps.


"IT'S SNOWING!" I yelled.

Throwing the windows open, I jumped out and let my magic rush in.

With the adrenaline rush, my wings activated and I flew up.

I twisted and flew higher until I was well above the clouds. The sun shone beautifully like gold pairing the morning sky with rays of rich gold.

I snapped my wings close and let myself fall.

I laughed and giggled as I fell.


I opened my eyes and opened my wings just in time to land in our front yard.

I panted and cold clouds were formed as my breath when I looked at Katelyn.

Her eyes are widened and she held out her Gunlets.

"It's snowing Katelyn!" I exclaimed.

Her brows scrunched in confusion as she relaxed.

"You made all this ruckus because it's snowing?"

I nodded.

She sighed dramatically and dropped the gunlets. She came over and grabbed my collar.

"Let's get inside, you'll get cold."

"But I'm already cold!" I complained.

I fidgeted in her hold trying to escape. As I struggled, a huge snowball aimed directly for Katelyn's head.

She turned around and crushed it before it hit her.

"Who threw that?!" She exclaimed releasing me.

I fell on my derrier, I rubbed it and quickly stood up again.

I looked at our neighbors to find the boys on their PJs.

"What the-?"

Katelyn words died short as the boys yelled,

"Snowball fights!"

3rd Person~

This is Mystreet. Not My street but Mystreet21. The street that is home to 10 people in the neighborhood.

As Katelyn and Aphmau fought back and forth with the boys, Aaron was watching, way high from his roof.

He smiled.

It's really a comforting sight to see sometimes. The sun rise is the best view ever but something more spectacular is down there.


She's so full of life. She risked her life just to have the liberty of flying through the clouds.

She's different, too different to be in this world.

As he watched them, he heard footsteps climbing up to where he was.

"Didn't I say not to disturb me anytime soon?" Aaron asked coodly with a sigh.

"Heh... I swear she'll be your demise."

He turned around and looked at Ein and Zane.

"Demise is such a negative word, don't you think?" Aaron mused as he turned his attention back to Aphmau.

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