Two worlds

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3rd Person~

Aaron took out his jeans pocket a small yellow pouch. When he opened it, a golden dust glowed brightly. He took some of it and threw it over Aphmau's unconscious body.

Her body, as if cracking, split into two and another Aphmau stood up. Her eyes purple but she looked exactly like Aphmau.

"Well dear, how about you give me the relic now?"

The fake Aphmau walked through the portal he just opened and he stopped, swirled another portal to his room and put the real Aphmau there.

"Rest well. You've been a naughty child." He chuckled and left, following the fake Aphmau.

They arrived at the base, where Aphmau kept the relic. He couldn't just swirl a portal there because Aph protected the place and made it magic proof.

She opened the gates and deactivated all the security measures.

"There it is Aaron." Aphmau said as she stood next to the case that contained the Relic.

"Give it to me." He ordered her.

She stood on the side, not knowing how.

"I said, open the case." He said harshly causing her to flinch.

"I-I can't..."

He grabbed her arm and grabbed her next to the case.

"I-I don't k-know how..." She stuttered and he pushed her away.

"I can do it myself." Aaron growled at her and grabbed the case.

Even though he felt the burn on his palm and the pressure breaking his hand, it wasn't his suffering. He borrowed this body and all the pain would go to it's master.

He put it aside and grabbed the relic fast, before his hand burned off completely.

When he was over, the pain finally reached him.

"Crap!" He hissed under his breath and the relic slipped on the floor.

He looked at his hand completely burned off, the flesh turned black and underneath the bones shaped into an indistinguishable shape.

"Give me something." He called for Aph and she took out a small red cloth.

"Why- never mind." He was about to complain but left it short as he worked on cracking the bones back the places they were.

After a solid 4 minutes, his hand was back to normal, except for the skin. Aaron wrapped the cloth around the skin and took the relic again.

"We need to close the place up before-"

"And I thought you couldn't get dumber."

Aaron smirked knowing Nema was there.

"What? I'm done already." He laughed.

"Same trick doesn't work twice. I'll leave you to see how."

When her portal faded, Irene and Shad, Hyria and Katelyn appeared from the corner looking rather shocked.

"What? Never seen any one steal before?" He joked and swirled a portal.

"Don't you dare-!"

"You were always a hot head Katelyn. Stand back."

Katelyn charged forward with her gunlets with no words. She wanted to aim for Aaron but he already jumped through the portal, leaving the fake Aphmau behind.

"You!" Katelyn hissed at Aphmau, "we shouldn't have trusted you at all! You're still attached to him! How could you after everything-"

"Katelyn." Hyrai spoke softly, stopping Katelyn from her.

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