Carved Accusations

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with an arm around my waist.

An arm around my waist...


I jolted up and jumped away, causing myself to fall flat on my derrier.

"Gosh no..."

"Oh my Irene Aphmau I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Aaron called from the bed looking down at me.

I nodded solemnly and groaned.

How the heck did I end up here?


"You came last night complaining you couldn't sleep..." he trailed off unsure.

I blinked hard and I suddenly remembered.

His room does smell like burning fire, something weird but agonizingly worth remembering and calming.

I don't even remember why did I thought Aaron could help me sleep...

"I'm sorry for disturbing you last night." I apologized.

"No need Aph. It's alright, really."

He got off the bed and walked over to wear his shirt.

I can't believe I slept with Aaron half naked!

I nodded and smiled a little trying to hide my burning face.

"Do you want breakfast? I could stir some pancakes for you?" He offered as he slid on a shirt.

I quickly shook my head, "No no, I need to go."

"What? Okay..."

He turned to me with a small smile and disappointment eating his expression away.
My heart twisted but I pushed the feeling down.

Shelly would be coming today, she's going to help Katelyn and I need to be there.

He led me downstairs and walled me off to my house without me asking, which I didn't mind.

"Is something going on Aph?" He asked catching my attention.

"Hm? No." I lied shaking my head.


I sighed in admission, "Well, Katelyn has been feeling really bad in the last two days and Shelly is coming today to check on her."

"Oh..." was his curt response until we came at my doorstep, "I wish she gets better soon Aph."

I nodded, "Me too Aaron. Thank you."

"Take care." He stepped forward and in a quick move kissed my forehead.

I blinked hard and knocked on the door. A smile painting my face with a warmth spreading in my heart.

Despite being short lived, my expression sullened when Kawaii-Chan opened the door.

She stared at me with wide eyes before sighing. "Get in."

I nodded and got in. "Is Katelyn any better?"

"Aphmau-Senpai, are you sure we shouldn't hospitalize Katelyn-Sama?"

I shook my head slightly, "Shelly would be here soon. I'll go see her."

I passed her and went to Katelyn's room.

"I'm coming in Katelyn." I pushed open the door and bit back a hiss.

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