Searching for the book

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Strong language alert!

Nema's P.O.V

"Fate!" I stormed the castle for the red haired freak.

"FATE! GET YOUR ASS AT YOUR OFFICE!" I yelled and looked around the giant library.

"Fate!" I yelled as I opened the room to her chamber.

The chair behind the metal desk was empty and my rage boiled further.

"Where are you-"

"Wow! Hold up sweet cheeks, what's wrong?" Eros, the god of love, stood in front of my face as I swirled around.

"This." I slammed the book I had in my hand on his chest, "I work so fucking hard and what do I get in the end?! This!"

"Fate messed with your book again?" Eros asked.

"And what's new? I need her pretty little ass right here so-"

"Keep it down will ya? Someone's got to create the drama if you're writing boring perfect books."

Perfect body, flaming red hair and emerald green eyes; one look and she's the perfect dream girl that every guy can dream of but when she flaps that lips of hers... *Thirteen, she's one hell of a bitch.

I glared at her in her bath robes as she passed us and sat behind the desk.

"You're using Kawaii-Chan as a rebound for Karla! On what authority did you rewrite this fate?!"

"As fate? Duh..." She rolled her eyes and flicked her wrist.

A new book appeared in front of her desk with a white feather. She grabbed them and stood up writing.

"I say that in this instant as we're speaking, Ryan's feeling for Kawaii-Chan intensifies and he long as to visit her."

I narrowed my eyes on her, "You wouldn't dare." I whispered, threatening her.

"Watch me." She smirked, "He opens a portal and visits her."

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath and ran out.

Her laughter roared behind my eyes but I need to stop this. She has no idea what she's doing... or she does and she's just trying to fulfill her destiny.

But I won't let her, Aphmau won't die. It's my promise.

I swirled a portal in front of Ryan walking down Mystreet.

"Bye!" I swirled a portal behind him and punched him right through it.

I jumped behind him and panted.

Okay opening two portals at a time is not a wise idea.


I looked up to him and couldn't feel mad.

Darn him...

"You're ruining this Ri."

"Ruining? Nema for god's can you tell me what's going on?!" He yelled frustrated.

I sighed.

"Aphmau... Aphmau is supposed to die Ri."


"Aphmau wasn't the one for the relic, I chose her. Me and Irene and Shad worked for this and we chose them. It was very risky cause Fate told us that she'll kill them in the end cause they aren't worthy."

"But... Fate isn't supposed to tell people what happens in the books."

"She told me. She was... drunk for a while and she told me. I just... I just couldn't let an innocent person die like that. Aphmau fought so hard in so many outcomes, I just can't let her die. You... in one of the outcomes you were there. Fate said that there's one outcome that Aphmau could win and live through. She gave me the book to it." I pulled out the book, a purple leather covered book with pumping heart in the middle, "I'm trying to match the events there Ri. One wrong step and Aphmau is gone, and my job is to give her that happy ending. I need you to understand, this is a war against Fate herself."

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