To be or Who to be?

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Nebulae's P.O.V

Who are you?

What are you?

Again and again and again.

But not today.

Today is a new day.

Today is the day where I get a status, a purpose.

The day when I finally become... a me.

The words almost sound strange as I repeat them over and over in my head.


And when they roll off my tongue, it sounds forbidden. A taboo that I shouldn't say but I am.

That's what makes it exciting.

The adrenaline rushing in my veins like cold water, I love it. I love the feeling more than anything.

I walked by the cell of Derek Lycan with a smile.

I already drained all the Ultima blood of him.

The cells were large cylinder made of strong glass that couldn't be broken by no matter what. Aphmau is to thank for that.

I opened a portal in the another cell and Nema fell through it.

She fell on the ground with a loud thud and my heartbeat increased.

She looked so... weak. Defeated. Her ever glowing skin was dead white, eyes looked like beat red and her hair was sticking out everywhere like she's been fighting a hurricane.

And she was in a way. Only it wasn't.

She knelt and slowly kissed the ground before laying on it and going silent.

"What?! No witty comments? No 'You won't get away with this?!' Comments hm? I thought you didn't regret anything?! Where the spirit Nema?!"

She looked up at me, lifeless, the challenge that used to dance with confidence in her stance has vanished, replaced by defeat and growing humiliation.

She looked down and closed her eyes.

I almost got knocked off my balance when I saw the tears leaking out her eyes.

"So so so many things they said and all were true... No words, therapy would do it. No love or hate can..."

I smiled... disturbed.

I'm not used to see the woman broken. This is my first time... and it wasn't like I hoped it would. Instead I wish she would stand back up and fight me strangely...

"You see right?" I asked and She nodded.

"I'll give you a release. I promise I'll make everything better." I told her and She only hummed.

I walked over to her and bent to her level. Letting my hand run the length of her short hair.

Blood. Black ink smudged my hand that I didn't notice until I pulled it back.

I moved the hair out of her face and sucked in a breath.

She looks so weak.

"I can make all of this better." I promised myself as drew out my knife.

Aphmau's P.O.V

They whipped us and lashed us over and over again and again that at one point I thought I saw my grandma.

My brain was numb, and my body was dead, or at least I think it is.

I can't feel a thing after I don't know how many lashes and food.

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