Enemy, Friend

500 18 5

Aphmau's P.O.V

*couple minutes earlier*

I walked faster to Irene's hotel as I tried to look behind me consistently. He can't follow me, I don't want him to follow me.

Suddenly, a white swirl opened and the white haired woman stepped from it... out of the Nether.

"Hi." She greeted.


"Go in there."

"What?" I tilted my head confused and she chuckled.

"Someone or maybe two, need your help in there." She stepped aside and my eyes widened to see Laurence fighting against some shadow souls with Lucinda weak behind him.

"What happened?!" I asked but Nema only pushed me in.

"Ask them. There's no time to explain."

And I did. I ran to them as fast as I can and took out my sword.

"APHMAU!" They both exclaimed as I swung at a shadow soul.

"Good to see you guys are here... but what happened?" I put my sword aside and helped Lucinda up.

"We don't have time Aphmau. Let's get going, we need to get to the keep tower and get my staff back."

I nodded and helped Lucinda on her right while Laurence took her left.

As we walked there, I felt a strange, and stronger aura coming from Laurence.

"Laurence?" I called him when his powers spiked.

"I'll explain that later too." He quickly said as he grunted in pain.

My mind went frantic, asking questions over and over but I kept my mouth shut. When we got into the castle, there were two shadow knights at the door.

"Go," Laurence said, "I'll handle this. Second floor and the code is 76255433521. Go!"

I nodded and took Lucinda by the stairs on the right as the two knights went for Laurence.

We climbed up the stairs but I felt it. The spike in power again... it almost felt familiar.

When we got on the second floor, there was a door with codes to type.

"Uh... 7... 6..."

"255433521!" Lucinda finished it and the door opened.

Her staff was in the middle of the room.

I let go of her, "I'll get it."

I entered the room and suddenly the door closed behind me.

"What the-"

"I had high hopes for you Aphmau."

"You!" I hissed at the pretend Aaron, "Where's Aaron?! What have you done to him?" I questioned.

"You can't- seriously and I thought you were smarter than this! But that's not the goal, I have other goals for you, better goals."

"I don't want any of your goals! Keep then for yourself! I'll get Aaron back and you'll see! Your time is up!"

"You think you can defeat me?! You think you know who I am?"

Slowly Aaron deformed into a shadow, the shadow spreading through the room.

"You better think twice Aphmau! You have been warned!"

The shadows divided and covered the room, I slowly choked.

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