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Aphmau's P.O.V

I think I was floating. It felt like it, my body was floating for a while then hit a hard ground.

Smashed, awake, confused.

"Wake up Aphmau."

Then light.

I snapped my eyes open and immediately got blinded by the bright light.

Hot, blinding.

I blinked several times and I saw a white ceiling.

Familiar. Sore. Aching.

My lungs were aching and my body was screaming in pain. Bones burning and muscles aching.

Then it hit me.


I look to my side and it's a curtain, to my left also a curtain.

Where's Aaron?! What happened?!

My thoughts started running all in loop that keeps running and running.

What happened to Aaron? Where's Aaron? Is he okay?

I heard a movement then a shift in my bed.


I looked to my right. Irene sat on the chair, her hair tied up loosely as she wore an air dress that fell loosely over her form.

I wanted to opens my mouth though. To speak, to talk, to say something but my mouth was tight shut and my throat was burning hot.

It didn't want to open up.

Instead a whine mixed with groan like sound escaped my mouth.

"Water?" She asked and I nodded my head.

She pushed a button beside my bed and it rose. When I looked down horror shocked me.

My entire body was wrapped in white bandage, head to toe with bandages till my fingers, it made me wonder if that's the same for my face.

She tilted the water cup and I drank it empty. My throat relishing the cool liquid and finally my lips parted.

"Irene where's Aaron? What happened to me?"

"You broke a bunch of bones and in some places fractures that the doctors patched up. It's... almost all over your body but it won't take more than a couple of months to heal up."

"A couple months?"

"That's the fastest we can do Aph." Irene replied sympathetically.

I looked back at my encased toes.

"Where's Aaron?" I asked her again.

Moments passed and I got a gut wrenching silence.

"Irene where Aaron?" I asked harder.

"He's fine."

That's all she said.

Before I could ask her more, she left. It burned, the question burned and my mind went toxic mode asking over and over.

Where's he? What happened? Is he alright?

Sometime later, Katelyn walked in. A bandage was wrapped around her head as she walked in with a small smile.

"How you doing Aph?"

I shrugged, or attempted to.

"Soon you'll be able to leave. You got it bad... turns out the magic drained literally took your life energy. Broke you and Aaron apart..."

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