To Control, To protect

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HEYO EVERYONE! X3 I'm back! Thank you so much for waiting for me. In the story you go!


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(Art by Keapoki in Deviant Art.)

Aaron's P.O.V

I intertwined my hand with Aph's as we walked through the park.

Earlier, she kept asking me where we were going which was a little annoying but when she saw the old streets of Phoenix Drop she kept quiet.

Well, a little help from my side too was necessary.

"You remember this place?" I asked her anxiously.

She nodded and smiled. "Of course I do. The park next to my mom's house."

"Isn't there something else you remember from it?"

She mused for a moment before I saw the stars click in her eyes. "The prom!"

I chuckled, "Yep. I would like to show you something that changed."

I led her to the cliff and behind the hanging vines and we stopped.

The view was always so good, so peaceful, so still...

I could hear Aphmau's breathing heave as her grip on my hand tightened.

"Aphmau?" I called her.

She gave me a tight smile and shook her head. "I'm fine, just feeling a bit dizzy." 

"Maybe it's the height."

"No no, show me what we came for."

Maybe it's too strong for her...

A bit concerned, I was about to step forward when he kicked in.

3rd Person~

"Aphmau go!" Aaron suddenly yelled.

Aphmau blinked back but couldn't comprehend. Go where?

"Aphmau stay away from me! Get away! I don't want you here! Get away from me! I hate you!" Aaron yelled frantically.

She blinked again, fighting off tears.

"Aaron what's going on?" She asked hurt.

"Aphmau it's not safe! Run away for Irene's sake just do it!" He pushed her away.

She fell hard on the ground but didn't wait enough for him talk again. She took off running back her way to the park.

As she did that, Aaron smiled tiredly.

"Let me see you coming back from that." He muttered before his eyes glowed red.

"How dare you?!" He lashed out at no one in particular... No one visible.

His red eyes illuminated brighter as he hissed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'll see to you later."

With that Aaron ran after Aphmau only to find her fighting Ein.

This was the plan... until he changed it.

Aphmau dodged him trying to grab her and jabbed him on the ribs making him wince and fall back.

"Aphmau!" When she heard Aaron's voice, she turned to him angrily.

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