To have it all

662 16 4

Laurence's P.O.V

"Once upon a time there lived a King and a Queen. They ruled two different kingdoms and perhaps, the only two kingdoms of the upper world at the time."

He walked around me, setting me on edge, before going back on his steps, to his throne.

He signaled me to follow him up, and I did.

"The Queen was a naive woman I'll tell you this Laurence. She ruled by her emotions. No army, no walls, no borders. She claimed to be one with the world. Instead she focused her forces towards feeding her people.

The King on the other hand was the polar opposite. Reeking off military power with a might to tear the mal Queen anytime. Do you want to guess what the King did?"

I mused for a moment before answering, "He attacked the Queen?"

"He fell in love with her." He spoke, his voice full of venom.

I got a bit taken back, my mouth hanging open at his tone but quickly regaining my stance.

"Come Laurence," he spoke to me, "Touch it."

I neared forward and he held my wrist.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Know what it's like to be the king on this damned chair."

The moment my hand made contact with the chair I heard screams.

Millions of people screaming at once, in agony, pleas of help, cries of pain but they all came at once.

I wanted to cover my ears but was all too shocked to be able to.

The pleas, the cries...I felt like they were calling for... me.

Show mercy king!

Help us!

One more day!

One more night!

One last breath please!

"Listen to what a king hears Laurence." His voice sounding a mere whisper to my ears among the screams, "Listen to what power sounds like. The power that you can't control, the power that's yours."

With all my might, I removed my hand from the chair and from his grasp.

Cold sweat trickled down my forehead despite the fact that lava was pouring literally two feet behind the throne.

Bewildered, I stared at the Lord who now was looking out through the window.

"It took only a fortnight for the King to marry the Queen. Madly in love with her. The Queen's brother wasn't very keen with the new truce.

Twenty years into the truce and the Queen gave birth to a beautiful maiden and her brother, who bedded a bordello maiden, gave birth to his vengeful son who carried the blood of revenge from his father.

The young princess fell in love with her cousin in law but his feelings for her was nothing but the hate he carried towards her mother.

The hate was his lead, his fuel. When his father was shunned for a traitor and executed, he vowed and took away the King's life.

He regained the kingdom that his father couldn't take, and lost the love of his aunt, and his lover.

The widow queen, fueled by revenge, tore up her beliefs and foundations. She built armies and forged her empire, she defied the gods and created the magi.

Six of them they were. The destroyer, the matron, the keeper, the protector, the fury, the wanderer.

Each of them were given to their respective matches.

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