Pieces Together

703 19 10

Aphmau's P.O.V

"Alright everyone! Time to attack the food!" Katelyn called loudly over to everyone.

Not too soon later, we all rounded in the big table that we arranged.

Evryone taking their seats, Garroth sat beside me on the left and Laurence on the right.

I'm glad but a tad disappointed as Aaron sat across me in the table with a placid expression.

Katelyn called for us to eat, since she was the head of the table, and everyone discarded themselves.

There are those who took their foods in plates and sat away, those who went outside, and the little left on the table were our friends.

The dinner passed by pleasantly until some shenanigan began, surprisingly by Garroth.

"Aphmau," He called me, "Would you mind coming me for a moment?"

I nodded, "Sure."

I let him lead me around the kitchen into the the little corridor and during the whole thing, he fidgted nervously.

I looked at quizzically but didn't question him out as we approached Laurence.

When he saw Laurence however, he stopped.

"Garroth?" I called him out.


"Come here dear brother." Laurence taunted, making both of us take a step back.

"Why are we running away from him?" I whispered the Garroth.

He snapped his attention to me and shook his head. He walked straight back to Laurence and pointed a finger to his chest.

"What the heck man?!"

They whispered furiously to each other, which was pretty audible to me and evryone within 5 feet range but I decided to let them be in their little fight world.

"I thought I was the one-year?"

"How could you?! I knew I wouldn't trust you-"

"You know I can hear you?" I rolled my eyes and interjected them.

They stopped and looked at each other.

I stifled back a laughter as I pointed at the object above them.

I figured out their plans and when they looked up, they both paled.

"You two are a match made in heaven don't you agree?" I joked causing them to shake their heads furiously.

"Not again!" Garroth cried.

I walked over to then under the mistletoe and kissed each of them in turn on their cheeks.

"Don't try this crap again please." I huffed and walked away.

I retreated back to the living room and saw that some people left.

Nicole was hugging Katelyn goodbye as Kawaii-Chan had her perked ears up for Ryan at the little foyer.

"Hey Aph..." I turned around to see Zane.


Before he can speak further, Katelyn came over with a scowl marrying her face.

"Um... Aph?" She called warily, "Nicole wants to go. Should I bring out the champagne for the night and we'll begin?"

"Ah yes! I'll help you, they're in the cellar somewhere."

Forgetting Zane, I went with Katelyn down and got the drinks with an empty bottle.

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