In a box called Paradox

821 20 62

Aphmau's P.O.V

My heart hammered rapidly in my chest as my breath constricted in my throat.

What... How did I let such information pass me?

I was a precious possession to him...

He probably means it as a friend! Like the bestest friend! Yeah, that's probably what he meant!

I managed to convince myself however, my heart and body suggested other things that I dared not let it cross my mind.



I brushed the thoughts away, suppressing them and when I was back up, they came back again.

A small mischievous glint burned in Aaron's eyes as he glanced over my way from the couch.

I huffed and marched to them.

Don't think about what he said! Don't think about it!

"Come have seat Aph." Aaron asked patting the space next to him.

I silently obeyed and refused to look at him.

No, he's just being nice! Why am I reading too much into him?! 

"So what do you guys have in mind to do?"

Katelyn shrugged and typed with a slight frown in her phone screen.

"How about... a movie over home cooked popcorn?" I suggested to relax a bit.

Katelyn looked at me over her phone and smiled slightly, putting the phone away, "Yeah. Sounds good, I haven't watched a good movie in a while."

We turn to the boys who both visibly stiffen and Laurence who slightly paled.

"Maybe... How about I bring the board game I have down? We can play those!" Garroth exclaimed.

"Sure!" Aaron's voice rang next to me and I glared at his amusement.

He knows I'm not good at board game...

"I'll go get them." Laurence called for it and rushed to the corridor.

I look back at Aaron who was looking straight.

Irene... he looks so...

I don't even have words to say because I feel like saying his beautiful or handsome is even a crime but yet... there's something I can't touch. Twinkling midnight eyes set straight as they burned with a new, foreign mischief.

When he notice me staring, he turned around and I flustered.

"A picture lasts a bit longer before it fades." He winked.

I looked away to hide my heating face.

"Brought them!" Laurence exclaimed with a red Garroth, who I haven't noticed leaving, trotting behind him.

"So I was thinking maybe we can play monopoly..."

We played the board games and during the whole thing, I noticed how Garroth and Laurence were both on edge.

It was as if they were trying to tell each other something unspeakable.

We all noticed that, later when Dante and Travis, who irritated Katelyn and caused her to stop playing, joined us, we asked them too but all four all denied anything.

The clock struck two when we grew bored of the games and decided to finally watch a movie.

Travis left the room to his bedroom, claiming that he was tired and that he didn't want to watch a movie.

Mine (Aarmau Fanfiction 2) ✔Where stories live. Discover now