Romeo and Juliet

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There are things in this world far beyond our grasp... we might feel like we're the most important thing in this world, and sometimes, we want to give up because we feel like a waste of space.

But just like a painting, every little detail matters.

All the small details, add up to make a beautiful picture.

There are things we can't get though. That beautiful picture, no matter how many times we try, it'll always remain a picture far from perfect because

Imperfection is perfect.


Aphmau's P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly and groaned.

At this point this is getting ridiculous.

I looked around and, as if slashed by cold water, I jumped off the bed.

What am I doing in Aaron's-

"Aph, I made pancakes. Come on!" Aaron's voice rang as he showed up behind and door frame, "Are you- are you okay Aph?" He asked hurriedly and walked towards me.

I walked back immediately and raised my hand.

"What... What am I doing here?" I asked coldly.

"Listen Aphmau, I know you're mad from the date yesterday but-"

"Yesterday?" I frowned.

"We went on a date yesterday remember?" He tilted his head in confusion.

No, I remember being thrown into the Nether with no protection by you!

Then it clicked.

Is this yesterday? I asked myself.

"Um... yes." I muttered confusion clear in my voice.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked and I sighed.

"No... let's eat the pancakes." I smiled feeling a bit disturbed in his presence and he walked out.

When I stepped out of his bedroom, something changed.

I felt Aaron was there... but not him. His essence... the relic.

That's impossible...

I stumbled on my step and quickly regained my balance.

This... It's impossible. I locked away the relic where only I know. How... why is it's essence here?

Aaron sat on the chair opposite to me then stood up.

"I forgot the syrup. A moment." He stood up again and headed for the kitchen storage.

When he opened the doors, I felt them.

The fever stones...

A cold shiver ran down my spine and I exhaled.

I stood up and headed towards Aaron.

Please let it be wrong, please let it be wrong...

"Aaron I-" I touched his shoulder and froze.

I retreated my hand as if on fire, and perhaps it was.

"I didn't want you to touch me." Aaron's voice was dark... making me take a step back.

"I never gave you the relic..." I whispered horrified.

I never gave him the relic... No one can access but me. No one can steal it! Not even traditional stealing...

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