Time is ticking

669 18 4

3rd person~

Katelyn rested on her bed feeling more helpless than she has been before.

It would be a lie if she said that she wasn't mad at Aphmau at the moment, however, she knew in their current state, calling Irene would feel like begging her to save them.

Travis snored softly on the chair beside her bed.

"Katelyn-Sama, may I come in?" Kawaii-Chan's voice broke her out of terrence.


She opened the door quietly and the pink haired meiwfa got in with a mug of tea.

"Thought you might need to relax Katelyn."

She smiled at the gesture and took the tea she offered. Smelling it, she relaxed and took a long sip from the mug.

"Katelyn-Sama, I want to ask you something."

She looked up and nodded to her at her computer chair. KC sat on the chair but her tail wiggled furiously behind her as she looked down at her lap.

"What is it Kawaii-Chan?"

"I know that we are roommates and we are supposed to be friends but I want to know what's going on?"


Hiding her shock, Katelyn anticipated this question.

"I'm not blind or stupid Katelyn. I have seen your hands glow and set on fire. I've seen Aphmau levitate in the air and signing enhancements. I'm not stupid, I know something is going on but I want to confirm it from you.
You are my friend and I care about you... I want to be able to help if something like this ever happens again."

Suddenly, Katelyn felt guilty. She felt guilty for all times she had to lie to her friend about various of things with no explanation. She felt guilty for leaving her worried and concerned with no clue of what going on.

But she sword an oath. Unless caught red-handed, no one is allowed to reveal their identity to anyone. So she opened her mouth to tell a new lie, only to fail and no words come out.

She opened her mouth and closed it like a gaping fish with no words coming out. Then she realised, the tea.

She put it on the little bedside beside sleeping Travis.

"I'm sorry Katelyn-Sama." KC quickly apologized.

"Where did you get these?"

It was the leaves of truth. Leaves that can make any one speak speak no lie but the truth.

Instead of answering her, she looked down at her feet fidgeting slightly.

Katelyn sighed and attempted to push herself off the bed. She grabbed the bed post and pushed herself down but when she tried to stand up she almost failed. KC came to her rescue with an arm to support her.

"Katelyn you're not in a good shape to-"

"I'm tired of this bed. Help me to your bedroom."

With no protest from her side, Katelyn dragged herself to Kawaii-Chan's room with her help. Once in, she rested on the bed and watched Kawaii-Chan lock the door.

"Where did you get these leaves Kawaii-Chan?" She asked once again.

"Ryan... Ryan gave them to me." She whispered.


"He said he found it in some witch's shop."

Dismissing raising suspicious, Katelyn patted the space on the bed.

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