Lullaby and Wishes

735 18 11

Aaron's P.O.V

"You're disgusting! I can't believe Aphmau trusts you!" She spat.

Bruised, bloodied and chained with her knees grazing the hot floor and yet she refuses to speak.

Her once tamed hair ran around her frame in tangles as she spat at me but yet, here I am.

Smiling like this is the most interesting thing in the world, and it is.

I tilted my head and looked at her from where I sat.

"Just give me my wand and I'll show you! You'll regret the day you've ever got near Aphmau!"

"But Aphmau loves me." I told her amused.

She scrunched her nose and spat on the floor.

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged very easily!" I clapped my hands in delight.

We are in the Nether, the room and walls red as blood. I don't think her blood would make any difference but it'll defenitely add a stronger essence.

I folded my legs on my chair and adjusted it so I was looking at her more properly.

Her body was a limb against the chains, black bags under her eyes made me wonder how long are we really gone in the overworld? Christmas was in two days the last time I was up.

"However, I need what's inside your brain." I pointed towards mine, "That book. I want it."

She scoffed, "You need it! No way you're getting that book! People like you is what I protect the book from!"

Iron chains clicked and rustled before the door pried open.

"You're not getting anything out of her that way." Ryan spoke as he trotted beside me.

His fangs elongated and his eyes glowed golden green as he looked at Lucinda with a blood lust.

"I still haven't finished on her. I can work some more if you allow." He met my gaze.

I shook my head in disappointment.

"Have your way with her but be careful not to end her. I need her to talk, not six feet underground."

I stood up to get out but halted at the door.

"If I were you though, I'd be smart about all this." I turned around to face her with a coy smirk, "Think about it Lucinda. I can kill you, but I didn't. You are useful but your old lady still trusts me too doesn't she?"

"You wouldn't dare!" She cried.

I laughed and walked towards her, "I can end you here and have what I want from her much easier."

I stopped in front of her. Her eyes filled with ire but there was fear, the fear that fed me like candy.

"But it'll be nice to watch you kill them. One by one. Mindslaved and out of control of your own body as you kill your own family... wouldn't that be a delightful sight?"

The chains rattled and she bit her lower lip as blood trickled down it's side.

"W-what... what are you?"

"I'm going to show you what I am if you ever mention Aphmau's name in your tongue again so think wisely." I replied darkly and walked out of the room.

I ran a hand through my hair and blew put in frustration.

"You think you can get away with all this?! You'll pay! You'll pay! You'll pay so just you wait!"

I scoffed.

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