Destroyer's relic

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Aphmau's P.O.V

"What?" I blinked taken aback.

"I asked, do you still have my relic? Like did you find a right person for it or you still have it in lockdown?" He smirked and edged closer.

I was sitting on the sofa and Aaron was sitting on the arm chair next to me so when he came closer, I moved back.

"I can't tell you, I-"

"Come on Aph. Don't you trust me? I just want to know if it's still with you, yes or no?" 

I swallowed hard and tried to concentrated on breathing.

Why was he asking me that now?

It's Aaron you moron! What will the answer benefit him?! Just tell him, stop being such a drama queen.

"Yes." I nodded.

He leaned back and averted his sight to the ceiling.

"Okay my turn." I said, "why did you want to know?" I asked.

"Just because." He shrugged looking back at me amused.


"Shad is still mad at me for giving up the relic that he wouldn't even talk to me. He said, and I quote, 'Finding a suitor takes decades and sometimes millenniums. You have no idea what you just gave up.' And he closed the phone in my face. I just thought that the relic is with Shad. That's all."

"That was mouthful..." I said still taken a back.

Why does this sound... wrong?

I shrugged it off, it's Aaron. He'll always care for such little things even if they weren't that important.

"Now my turn," He leaned in and rested his hands on the table facing me, "Do you have a crush on someone?"

I jumped on my seat and immediately coughed.

"I don't like where this is going..." I admitted.

"We're friends right? Come on, best friends tell each other things like that." He inquired.

Oh right? So I have this huge crush on you but I suppressed it cause I need me no more drama in my life now and it'll be completely weird for you if I just admitted that that it'll ruin our friendship and the potential of us not talking again is something I'M NOT WILLING TO LOSE!

"I don't have a crush." I answered instead, "Me. What's the most valuable possession that you own?"

"Trying to dim the heat I see," he smirked and leaned back, "You. Now, whats the craziest thing you want to do?"

I poundered for a second, "Well... going to the other worlds. I want to see the other realms beyond Irene's, Nether and some small pocket dimensions. I want to see what's in the infinite and beyond."

"That sounds crazy enough." He grinned.

The questions led on and we answered back and forth. Sometime later, in our who knows how many question, a knock interrupted us.

"I'll get it." I got up and went to the door.

When I opened the door, Katelyn stood in front of the door.

"Oh right Katelyn!"

"Hey, We need to go Aph."

I turned to Aaron to see a slight disappointment in Aaron's features. He walked over to me and smiled.

"Hello Katelyn."

"Uh Hi Aaron." She greeted with a half smile, "I came to take Aph." She glanced at me, "If she's ready to leave."

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