Good Little Boy

804 18 12

Aphmau's P.O.V

The next day's gift was a necklace, and next was a ring, then next was an infinity bracelet and it went on.

I was terrified beyond belief but the only thing keeping me from spilling everything to Irene is the fact that it might be some secret admirer.
And if that was the case then they are doing a very terrible job at whatever they are trying to achieve.

I told Katelyn -I wasn't that stupid- I told both Katelyn and KC about it and they are just as worked up as I was.

We concluded that it has to be someone we know. Someone who knows us and close enough to know me and my bedroom.

We staked out in my bedroom hiding one day for the whole night, but the one second we closed our eyes, the 'gift' was present as if appeared by magic.

I let the others of the hook and tried to stay awake all night but still, I didn't see anyone coming in or out.

One second I'm yawning and brushing my teeth for the morning from an all night watch, the next minutes I get out there's a headband.

I picked it up and examined it.

It was a simple purple headband with the initial -A- engraved on it. The black note was underneath it and this time, it read:

Wrap your head around it to get a grip of things. They'll spin out of control soon.

I want to lie and say I'm comforted by these words.

I opened my drawer and threw it in a box resting near the shelves, with the rest of their 'gifts'.

I trotted downstairs tiredly and suddenly, the Christmas decorations that we put up in the last few days looked to cheerful and too illegal to exist.


I turned my head towards the kitchen to see both of the girls staring at me with frozen faces.

"Aphmau, are you sure you don't want to sleep with me at least? You look-"

"Awful! Kawaii-Chan never thought that Aphmau-Senpai would let herself out that way! If she's feeling sick, she should tell us and we might just cancel tonight for your rest."

At that I mentally slapped myself awake and looked at them eyes widened.

"No! We're not cancelling the party! We spent too much money for it." I complained.

"Well, there's isn't gonna be any parties in your state." Katelyn sighed and walked over to me.

I stared at her confused until she tugged on my hand and started leading me upstairs.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I'm about to put you to sleep."

My stomach turned at her words but I remained silent.
I followed her to her bedroom as she opened the door for me to get in and close it behind her.

"Get on the bed." She ordered and I obeyed.

I didn't protest, instead I snuggled on the pillow and closed my eyes, letting the quick darkness whisk me away.

3rd Person~

He walked slowly down the block to his house, his whole body feeling like a weight itself to him.

"If I ever do anything like this I would-..." His words followed strings of curses as he kicked open the black door and got in, slamming it close behind him.

In his mind, he was up to nothing other than sleep at the moment as he pushed his black locks back and sighed.

"Seems you have enjoyed your night." Beamed Ryan as he emerged out of the kitchen with an apron that read "Lick the Food" and a coffee mug on one hand.

Mine (Aarmau Fanfiction 2) ✔Where stories live. Discover now