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Very long chapter

Aphmau's P.O.V

I blinked hard and opened my eyes.

Blinding light and a black figure hovering above me.

When my sight cleared, I looked up at a man I almost mistook for Ryan if it weren't for his dark eyes and hair length.

He smiled softly and gave me his hand that I looked at weirdly.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you." He spoke softly as if scared that I'll run away.

I looked at it and looked around the little bedroom like compartment.

"Where am I?" I asked but immediately regretted it when my throat burned.

I coughed and tried to swallow my saliva but my tongue was paper dry. He handed me a cup of water that I pushed back violently.

No, after everything, I can't accept a cup of water from anyone.

He pushed the water and pressed the cup against my lips, forcing me to drink it.

"You need it to flush out the remains of the fever stones." He spoke as he practically forced me to drink the water.

After a few gulps and realising that it didn't taste foul or burned like the fever water, I took the water bottle from him and emptied the entire container.

The cold water felt like a cold shower I really really needed.

After that, my mind cleared out.

My emotions became clear and prominent as I knew my goal that rose with a brewing anger.

Kill Nebulae.

He had no rights to play with Aaron's body like that, he had no rights to control Aaron like that. I promise that I'll kill him.

"Where's he?" I asked, my voice harsher than intended.

"You're far away from there. The battle in ongoing but we need a strategy. Let's go." He walked away to a black Iron door that I didn't notice and opened it.


I followed him. My legs trained as I walked outside with him and the adjacent doors opening up, showing Katelyn, Garroth, Travis, and Laurence.

Memories flooded my mind as I felt a sense of shame fill me.

So we kept silent. All of us. We walked through the cobblestone hallways until we reached a spiral stairs that led downstairs to a grand hall.

I saw Irene and three elder people talking to her on her side.

Curious, I followed the man and we went downstairs where Irene stopped talking and averted her attention to us.

"Hey..." She greeted awkwardly and I averted my sight.

I feel so ashamed that I can't even look at her.

"Every one look up." Irene ordered with a firmness that had us all snap our attention to her.

Her lips pulled up into a warm smile and she walked over to us. Hugging each of us and startling us.

"I'm not mad. You're weren't you, please let's move on. We have a war to win." Irene said as she stepped back from me, smiling at all of us.

Finally, I looked at the other. Laurence was so much better, if not healthier. Katelyn, Garroth, Kawaii-Chan and Travis all looked healthy and that made me a bit warm on the inside.

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