Irene and Shad

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Izzyeee - DeviantArt

Aphmau's P.O.V

Armors on.

Swords sharpened.

Army ready.

It's happening.

My heart was probably in my mouth as I watched from my window the thousands of men, who were supposed immortals and werewolves, stood in line getting ready.

The door to my room creaked open.

When dawn blanked the blue sky, Adrian insisted that we don't go back be cause it'll not only raise suspicion as to how we suddenly came back but it'll be unnecessary and troublesome to bring us back.

Turned out that Camille and Adrian were really nice. Despite the sharp and diplomatic look they had earlier, it was like Irene said. They were sweet in their own way.

Irene stepped into my room and I smiled.

She wasn't allowed to go with us because she was pregnant. It started to become obvious with the little bump on her stomach but the hint of sadness in her eyes sucked the happiness of her being pregnant.

"I can't believe this... It's almost time. Be safe Aphmau." She kissed my forehead and I nodded.

"It's like watching Lilly go on war... which would kill me but Aphmau, our little daughter here need an Aunt so you have to make it back."

I smiled as I looked at the little bump of her stomach, where she had her hand over it.

"I promise I will come back. All of us would and Aaron would make a great uncle for her, that's for sure."

Her eyes turned weepy as she hugged me tightly.

"Don't die please."

I stopped breathing for a moment before patting her back and exhaling.

"I don't feel like it soon either."

A sudden knock on the door had us breaking from our terrance.

"Princess Irene, Coby wants to see you." The small boy from yesterday said.

She wiped her eyes and nodded. "I'm coming."

She stood up and looked at me one last time.

"End this."

The small boy had his hair sticking out everywhere, black in long waves with a freckled face and green eyes. He moved out the way for Irene as she passed him and closed the door behind him.

I sighed and looked at the armor stand next to me.

I guess its time to gear up.

Jacob brought in the armor really late at night stating that "Little 'anky warriors like us shouldn't go butt naked." Which I would give it him, he made the armor look pretty cool.

As I geared on, another knock on the door had me groaning.

"Just a moment!"

I tried to put on the chestplate but it wouldn't buckle up.

I heard a chuckle before someone took over and tied it up.

"If I knew we'd come here to find you fighting with your armor we would slept a bit longer." Garroth chuckled stepping in front of me and I presume Laurence is the one at the armor.

"Thanks Laurence." I thanked him as he stepped in front of me standing next to Garroth.

"What's up guys?" I asked them when they looked nervous. They shifted on one foot to the other before Garroth sighed.

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