In trouble, left broken

496 16 3

Early update! These are some of the chapters I wrote while in plane.


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Aphmau's P.O.V

I woke up in Aaron's bedroom...

In Aaron's bedroom?

I sat up and looked around me and there was no one. Wasn't I with the girls yesterday? Something seems off...

I went for the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't open so I started knocking it.

"Aaron? Aaron?! Is someone home? Open the door!"

I banged on the door a couple of times before huffing and giving up.

Maybe Aaron is out grocery shopping or something, why would he lock the door though?

I looked around the room and found a spare key under the pillow. I used it to open the door.

Slowly, I tiptoed downstairs.

"No, search for him! I don't care if he's gone! I want every inch covered, get that damned creature to me even if it's the last thing you do!"

I frowned in confusion, who is Aaron talking to?

I peeked beyond the stair case to see Aaron's back facing and talking to... Ein?! Since when was Ein is town?

"Aaron you need to be sensible-"

"The only insensibility here is the fact that I'm not shredding you to pieces yet Ein." Aaron growled.

I gasped in shock, covering my mouth. Both men froze and I quickly hid away.

Something is definitely wrong here... This isn't Aaron. No. The Aaron I know would never threaten someone, let alone the thread to kill just right now. I had my doubts but now it's clear.

This isn't Aaron.

"I have to check on Aph. You get me Ryan, you have only 48 hours Ein. Don't disappoint me."

I ran back up, not caring if my footsteps were heard and silently locked the door back. I jumped on his bed and pretended to sleep.

Seconds later, footsteps approached my door, followed by the jingling of keys then the door opened.

"Hey Aphmau, wake up."

I pretended to sleep and groaned moving away from his hold.

"Come on Aph. It's almost 11 now." That got me jolt awake as I looked around.

"Morning." He cheered.

How? Who is that person? How can he change skins in a second like that?

I remained still though.

"Morning Aaron," I yawned, "How... how am I here?"

"I... Well I brought you here after our date."

I blinked confused.


"I hate you!"

The words rang back like a knife to my heart and I sat up. I'm still wearing the cashmere sweater.

"Aphmau wait-"

I walked away for the door but Aaron beat me to it, locking it and putting the key in his shirt.

"Aphmau you have to listen to me."

"Do I have a choice?" I hissed coldly.

"Aphmau I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I said all those awful things. I promise, I promise I wouldn't say that again Aph. I swear on my life."

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