Shadow hunting time!

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Aphmau's P.O.V

"This can't be right... It's happening again. It's all coming back to a damn circle." Irene whispered hotly as she looked down.

The hot rocks of Nether burned lightly our skins as we crouched down, looking in slight horror at the three active Nether portals.

"Why would anyone want that many active portals?" I asked in horror.

We were in the Nether after Garroth collapsed in the room. He gave us directions to where the portals were. At first, I was about to believe that Garroth was a bit delusional but when we arrived, I felt the portals even before we entered the room, making me shiver.

"I don't know, but what ever's being cooked isn't good." Irene whispered looking up to us.

Me, Katelyn, and Irene came into the Nether. Shad, Travis, and Hyria were left behind. We left them behind to take care of Garroth and Laurence. Travis can't physically come into the Nether as he will have to transform so we told him to help Hyria and Shad.

"How come the upper world is not affected?" Katelyn asked.

"I don't know... black magic could do the tricks."

"Dark magic?" 

Irene sighed looking over the two of us with a conflicted look.

"It requires blood... very powerful and strong blood. Blood like yours." She looked at the both of us.

We glanced at each other, and swallowed our fears.

"That could be why Aaron wants you..." Irene thought but I shook my head.

"Why me? Katelyn's power is much more powerful than mine. Travis is a warlock's son, I'm not even half in my full potential. Why me?"

"Why not you?" 

The voice startled us and made us scrambled on our feet only to find the white haired lady, Nema come forth a swirled portal.

"The battle is on. Let's go every one." She said stepping back into the portal.

Irene stood up and followed her and we did too, entering through the portal to the little shack home.

"What's going on Nema?" Irene asked.

"This is what's going on."

She pointed towards the unconscious Kawaii-Chan and Ryan.

I bit back my anger and looked at Nema.

"Why is he back here? He's a traitor, traitors aren't allowed here." Katelyn growled out for me.

"Whatever he had done was because I asked him to." Nema stepped in front of Katelyn, "Good choice on bringing him here Aph. We needed him."

Ryan stepped forward and took out a dark maroon leathered book out of his jacket, handing it over to me.

"This is the answer to everything." Ryan said.

I stared at it for a pregnant moment, then looked up at Irene who was eying the book.

"It's Fate's book of Aaron. Whatever happened, happens or will happen to him is in this book. Till the last breath he'll take." Ryan's voice rang in my terrance.

Nema chuckled, "We're practically begging for serious ass beatings but-" I looked up at her and she had a ghost smile lighting up her features, "It's worth it."

My breath caught up and I looked at Katelyn who gave me a soft look.

"Don't flip too far. No one wants to know the future Aph." She gave me a side hug before stepping away.

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