Came, came and went

456 13 3

3rd Person~

Before the universe, there was nothing but darkness.

No shape, no form, nothing.

Then a spark, a cold spark, that was odd, created everything.

These are the first things they teach anyone when he or she wakes up.

Ri lived his whole life knowing the truth. That the thirteen gods were fake, that's they were the real monsters behind curtains, that he won't ever meet his beloved Karla ever again.

When he opened his eyes, he felt as if his body turned back to its primary state.

No form, no thoughts, no life.

The only train of thought that rang to him was Karla, Karla, Karla...

A lullaby that kept him from losing himself among the millions deformed waiting for a purpose.

Then something shifted. Just like the black war, also referred to as the big bang, a hot, warm energy surged in him and he opened his eyes gasping.

He was breathing. He was living again...

He turned to his right to see the pink haired Meiw'fa talk but he couldn't hear her words properly. Her eyes were glossy as she talked.

He looked at himself. He's still wearing the same clothes. He's breathing again, seeing colors again, living again...

Since when we're the gods so kind?

Kawaii-Chan hugged him, her tears close by.

"Oh I thought something happened to you! You scared me! What happened? Where have you been? Why were you sleeping at the side of the road? Why aren't you with the father?"

When he could hear again, he heard the bombard of question she threw his way but he just hugged her tighter.

"Oh Ryan... let's get going. Let's get you freshen up."

He nodded weakly and let her lead him to her car.

The ride was silent, both drowned in their thoughts until they arrived at their destination.

"Ryan..." Kawaii-Chan called him softly, afraid that she might scared him.

She was so afraid when she found him unconscious on the side of the road. Her heart plumped into her mouth as she tried to wake him up continuously and even awake, he looked far from with her.

He nodded and got off the car and she followed. She took off her keys and opened the doors for him.

"There's a bathroom right around this corner, if you want to refresh yourself." She added the second part as an after thought.

He looked to his right at her and smiled lightly.

"Thanks Kawaii-Chan."

"I have some clothes from the boys, I'll bring them for you to wear if you want to-"

"They're not that dirty." He looked at his clothes then back her, "I can wear these. Thank you."

She nodded weakly and turned to the kitchen, "I'll make something for you to eat. You look weak."

With that the two went separate ways in the house.

He entered in the bathroom and closed he door behind him, leaning against the door.

"Why do you look so tired my Riri?" 

He snapped his eyes opened at the voice. Pink haired, tanned skin, with ocean eyes.

Mine (Aarmau Fanfiction 2) ✔Where stories live. Discover now