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"I just don't understand it," I announced walking Bram to lunch, where we would meet the majority of my friend group. I noticed a new poster on the wall of the science hallway advertising the science fair. Maybe Bram and I could do some sort of science project together. If I ever figured out how to do science. "Trig is impossible," I whined.

Bram laughed, swinging our hands. I noticed we were walking in sync. Ever since I was forced to come out, I noticed some people wouldn't look my way. Others would. It was weird, some people accepted the fact that Bram and I were together. Others denied it as just a phase. "Can you help me study some time?" I asked.

"You free later tonight?" he looked me in the eyes. I noticed that we had stopped walking and we made it to our destination. I never wanted this moment to end. Until Ethan laughed at something that made me turn my head. Ethan. The other openly gay kid. I smiled at him. It seemed easier to talk to him than to some of my other friends at times. He understood. Then again, so did Bram. Did I talk to Bram about the harder stuff? Or Ethan? I guess I'd cross that bridge when I came to it. 

"Yeah, you could bring stuff and we could study at my place," I shrugged. Since when was I so cool? I never acted this calm in front of a crush. I guess just couldn't wait for Bram to be at my house. I just hope my mom didn't make a big deal of having a boy over. I'd invited Nick over at my house thousands of times. This -- this, however, was different.

This wasn't just a friend. This was a boyfriend.

God, that word was never going to get old.

I spotted my group of friends waving us over to the table we all sat at. Abby was in an argument with Nick over some sort of soccer player. Leah was smiling over at me. I hopped into my regular seat and Bram into his. We smiled.

"So prom is coming up," Nick smiled. I "ugh"ed at the same time Leah did. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. There was always something big that happened at prom. And by big I mean dumb. This person proposed to this person. This person kissed this person. This person spiked the punch bowl. It was all the same stuff. Each year Leah and I would avoid prom as much as we could. Even when #promnight posts would pop up on the creeksecrets Tumblr page, we would ignore it. Almost 9/10 people got their hearts crushed on prom night. It wasn't a fact, it was just me being truthful.

But -- now I had Bram.

Maybe It would be kind of fun to go with him. I looked over at him, maybe we could go out instead of actually going to prom. Like to the Waffle House with the rest of my friends. Like we did every prom night. It could be crazy fun.

"I was thinking, isn't it about time for the Asks?" 

"What is an Ask?" Abby spoke first. I kept forgetting she was new to the school, and she still had no idea about half the stuff we said. I would think someone would be filling her in on this, over the past six months she had been here. I looked over at Nick, hoping he would do the honors of explaining. Luckily, for me, Nick lived for talking.

"OH!" Nick grinned, "It's basically when someone asks someone to prom in this big dramatic w-" not even seconds after Nick was interrupted by someone who burst into the cafeteria, screaming.

"ALRIGHT EVERYBODY LISTEN UP! THIS SONG GOES OUT TO A SPECIAL GIRL I KNOW-!" I elbowed Bram in the arm, pointing to the guy who was screaming. He was about 5" 2' and had blonde shaggy hair. His white skin was flushed at the face. I really hoped whoever he was asking would say yes, I always hated when the Asks failed. I looked at Bram, I watched his face as the guy started to rap about the girls smile. Then I felt a jolt of fear enter my mind.

Was Bram going to Ask me in a big dramatic way?


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