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thanksgiving update
(as thanks to everyone who stuck with this book with barely no updates)


"You guys are ridiculous," Leah rolled her eyes finally walking down the steps into the living room. I was cuddling with Bram, rolling my eyes at her. I was laying on Brams chest, hating how his heartbeat quickened when Leah outed us.

"Oh yeah?" I snapped, jokingly, "Well we don't sleep in all day," I taunted, she walked over to us and plopped on top of me, her legs crossing mine. We were now all cuddled together. Her actions got a laugh from Bram. I scowled, jealous.

"I didn't sleep all day!" she pouted, focusing on the TV while taking to us. Bram shifted to let Leah closer to me. I looked up at him, and smiled. He bit his lip and focused back on the TV as I continued to argue with Leah.

"IT'S TWO IN THE AFTERNOON!" I giggled, grabbing a pillow and hitting her with it. She burst into laughter and I jumped off Bram to prepare for battle. I ripped a pillow from the couch cushion and ran into the kitchen. Leah was soon to follow. Bram followed us slowly and watched the war that was about to happen.

"You're gonna regret judging my sleep schedule!" Leah yelled. Throwing a pillow at my face. I dodged it effortlessly and prepared for her next attack. Bram watched from the kitchen doorway, and rolled his eyes at me.

"Si, she's trying to fight you with a pillow," he stated obviously. I nodded, giving him the side eye. "I— never mind!" he held his hands up on defense. I tried to keep a straight face when fighting with him, but I just burst out laughing. Bram looked to Leah, and she ran over to the pillow she threw at me.

"FOR SLEEPING PAST NOON!" she screamed as she threw the pillow at my side. I went down, reaching once again for the pillow. Bram shook his head, beaming.

"I'll leave you two. To whatever this is..." he joked, walking back to the living room and plopping down on the couch. In the meantime, I threw my pillow at Leah's face and she grabbed it, annoyed.

"BRAM I LOVE YOU BUT IF I NEED YOU TO ATTACK LEAH, WOULD YOU STILL LOVE ME?!" I screamed at him, running into the living room, in front of the TV to get his attention. He laughed, tossing a pillow in my direction.

"No, but I can give you ammo," he threw another pillow in my direction. I nodded, ready to attack Leah once more. I leaned to kiss him on the cheek.

"Thanks babe," I grinned, taking the pillows and getting ready for battle.

"No problem," he he sighed, "if you need more pillows you can always start a pillow fight in the middle of a Bed Bath and Beyond," he offered, earning a laugh from me.

"SMART!" I praised him throwing a pillow at Leah, who made her way to the living room. "LOVE YOU BRAM. EVEN IF YOU ARE THE BRAINS, STILL LOVE YA!!"

"W-Wait?" he giggled, officially turning the TV off. "Since when am I the brains?" he asked. I made direct eye contact with him and grinned.

"Since you started dating me," I winked, ready to throw one last pillow at Leah.


okay. thanksgiving treat. updating monday's, chapters will be 500 words+ and very fluffy from now on.

g e t ready for some leahxabby,,?

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