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Here it was. It was officially Prom night. I was planning on driving Bram to Prom, picking him up at his house. Completely skipping my house and my parents. However, my mother insisted that I bring Bram back home after the dance for dinner.

SIMON: my parents are going to want us to come back to my place after prom for dinner and ten million pictures. sorry :(

BRAM: it's fine! sounds fun. I like your parents.

I sighed, happy that Bram wasn't upset with me or something. We really did worry about upsetting each other over nothing. Was that a problem? Probably. On the drive, over to Bram's I blasted PFTW. I was so in love with Brendon Urie. Thank goodness he was married or Bram would have to watch out.

I was so nervous walking up to Bram's door. I had done this a bunch of times but I felt like it was all brand new. I knocked, and he opened the door right away. He was wearing a tux, with a pink tie. It was such a simple outfit, but he looked so handsome in it. I was freaking out. Was I breathing? How did I breathe properly?

"Hey Si," he leaned forward to kiss me, I gulped. How would I spend a whole night with him when I couldn't breathe around him? "Let me just grab my coat then we can go --" I nodded, silent. I waited until Bram got his jacket and closed the front door behind him. I grabbed his arm bringing him over to my car.

"I'm so nervous," I blurted. "I-I mean you're hot! No -- wait -- that's not what I should hav-" Bram kissed me ignoring my mumbling.

"You're hot too," he laughed, hoping in the driver's seat, "I'm driving tonight," he told me, reaching for the keys that I had left in the ignition. I sighed, grumbling to myself. I hopped in the passenger seat. A strike of fear hit my heart. What would I do without Bram for the next few years? I loved him so much, it would be so painful to not constantly be near him.

I tried to ignore my sadness, as Bram started the car and we headed off to have 'the night of our lives'. Or whatever adults said about Prom night. I just wanted to be near Bram for one final night before we went our separate ways and graduated.

I looked over at Bram as he turned the signal on to motion he was turning right. He bit his lip, "Stop staring, it's rude because I'm driving and I can't stare back at you," he turned the car and I laughed.

"Is that the only reason I can't stare?" I asked, tilting my head. I felt happy we could just joke around even with this deadline of hours we had left to spend with each other.

"Yes, plus my mother always said it was rude to stare," he grinned, "but I hope I get to do it a lot at this dance," he mutters turning the car. We were here -- at the school. Bram hopped out of the car, as I did as well. "Ready to have --" he paused whisper-yelling "the time of your life!?"


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