❰ 15 ❱

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As Bram and I walked into the dance I noticed how good the Prom committee did with all of the decorations. The sweaty gym matts and dogeballs were put away and replaced with tables of food and flowers. The walls were covered in pink and gold streamers. Which felt more like a gender reviel party and less of a highschool Prom. Hey, I wasn't complaining!

Somone actually brought in a disco ball to hang from the ceiling. I looked over to a table near the bathrooms, they also brought in a live DJ, as well. I tried to ignore the loud music and focus on my surroundings. I looked around to my fellow classmates. I didn't notice half of them with smiles on there faces.

I finally looked down to Bram. My heart nearly beat its way out of my chest. He had a huge smile on his face and was searching the crowd for someone. He grabbed my arms and leaned on his tiptoes, so we were around the same height and grinned. I really thought he was going to kiss me, but he turned his head, and yelled -- "I'm going to go talk to Leah!" 

I turned my head to see where Leah stood. She was by the bathrooms, yelling at Nich to eat a cookie without using his hands. Nick was succeeding, surprisingly. As Bram walked away I noticed a girl that was way too close to me. She was laughing loudly and pointing at me.

I tried to ignore her -- but she started to walk over to where I stood. With each step she took, I grew more uncomfortable. It felt like someone put a bag over my head, I couldn't breathe.

"HEY!" she yelled when she was close enough for me to hear her. She was inches away from my face. Her rip-off Alexander McQueen's made her taller than me. She had bleach-blonde hair and her bright red ketchup-colored dress hurt my eyes.

"You're the gay one right?" she yelled again, taking a sip from her cup of punch. As she talked I could smell the sharp tang of alcohol on her breath. I nearly threw up. She must have snuck in a flask or drank before she came in.

"Sure?" I tried to laugh off this terribly awkward conversation. I threw my sweaty hands into my pockets. Where in the hell is Bram?

"So like --" she took a second to hiccup-giggle, "would you be willing to switch for my friend over there?" she pointed to a brunette girl. Looking lonely and picking at a brownie. She was standing awfully close to the exit like she was about to make a run for it. "HER NAMES SANDY!" the girl yelled, like knowing this random girls name would make me switch my sexuality like a train track.

I was about to tell this girl off. Heck -- I was at Prom with my boyfriend and this girl wanted me to dance/kiss/etc some with some random girl? I looked over to Bram who was talking to Leah. It looked like Leah was handing him some sort of small box, but I ignored it, turning back to the girl.

Suddenly, an idea formed.

"I wouldn't be able to, but I know someone who would LOVE to dance with a girl--"


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