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Leah and I were dead tired from running around and throwing things at each other. Sure, we acted like children, but I loved Leah with all my heart. She was one of my best friends and she was one of the few people who actually knew all about Bram and ours relationship. I was super happy when she told me that she had a crush on one of our friends. However I was terribly upset when she wouldn't tell me. Not actually upset, just a I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND WHY WON"T YOU TELL ME WHO YOU LIKE YOU DORK? Kind of upset.

"Leahhh!" I whined, we were out with Bram at the mall. Bram stated he needed to turn in his job interview slip to the one "Hot Topic" store at the mall. He said his dream was to work there. I had been in a Hot Topic before, and I had to admit it was a pretty cool store. Bram was deadly worried about not getting the job, I told him he was a smart student, never skipped his classes and he had never been in major trouble that would have gotten on his record. They were going to hire him, I could feel it.

While Bram went to talk to the people in the store, I desided to pester Leah some more about her crush. "SO WHO'S THE PERSON?" I grinned, she rolled her eyes laughing at me. I pulled on her sweater sleeve, begging her.

"Sorry Si, the only person who is going to know will be the person," she stuck her tongue out at me, and I crossed my arms over my chest. I was sort of sad that she didn't want to tell me, and I also wasn't going to push her too hard to tell me who it was. I guess only time would tell. We were sitting at the mall food court, splitting a big pretzel when her phone rang, and she jumped to answer it.

I didn't see the caller ID but she held her phone up to her ear at lightning speed. "Hello!" she beaned in a highpitched voice. I tried to make sad puppy-dog eyes to see if she would give me a hint of who she was talking to. I searched my pocket for some type of pen or pencil to write and ask if it was her crush. I found Bram's pen he let me borrow in last period. I grabbed a napkin and wrote something down. I held the napkin up as a sign flashing at her.


She shook her head and smiled, biting her lip and laughing at whatever the person on the other side had said. "Okay, bye I have to go now, SImon is being a little dork," she laughed, ripping the napkin away from me and shoving it in her pocket. She hung up and looked at me. "You nerd," she reached for a few sugar packets in her reach. She threw them at me gently.

"So they know me?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. If I knew the person, then maybe I could figure out who it was!


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