Three's company

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Laura woke with a groan. She was so stiff in her shoulders and neck. Her whole body was sore and ached. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking against the light that was coming in the window. She found Dark next to her, arms above his head, flat on the mattress with out a pillow. Laura realized that they were laying the wrong direction in the bed. She carefully lifted herself up to find the sheets were a mess and mostly on the floor her clothes were shredded in a pile. Laura rested on one elbow and traced the muscles in Dark's arms as he slept. He didn't stir until she ran her fingers down his back. Dark stretched and opened his eyes. Laura smiled sweetly down at him. She leaned down and kissed his cheek rubbing her nose against his stubble. "Morning princess." Dark said as he rolled over onto his back. "Morning." Laura responded laying on his chest. She kissed his chin. "I can really get used to waking up with you here. I didn't realize how much I disliked waking up alone until I didn't have to." "I can't promise I will be here every time, but I will do what I can to be here as much as possible." Laura nuzzled into Dark's neck and started kissing her way up his jaw line until she got to his lips. She kissed him passionately. Dark slid his arms around her digging his fingers painfully into her skin holding her close to him. Laura flinched unconsciously. Dark released her. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, I am just sore after last night. My shoulders, neck and back are stiff. "Come, lay on your stomach." Dark commanded. Laura did as she was told. Dark walked over the dressed and took Laura's bottle of lavender body oil. He sat on the bed beside her. He moved her hair out of the way and poured a small amount of oil onto her back. He then started to massage her shoulders and her back. Laura moaned happily. "That feels so good." Dark moved his hands lower down her back. He slapped her ass and chuckled. "I like causing pain on purpose I don't like hurting you unintentionally. Laura rolled over and pulled Dark down on top of her. "So why don't you make it up to me then?" Laura smirked and Dark kissed her.

A while later Dark and Laura were finally getting dressed. "I have to go now. I will be back later." Dark told her. "Is it fine if I leave the room now? I really don't want to stay cooped up in the room any longer." Laura asked. "You are free to move about the house. You are not a prisoner here. I kept you secluded for your protection. If you want I can have Anti introduce you to a few more of our acquaintances." "I would like that very much." Laura and Dark walked down stairs and found Anti sitting in the kitchen. "Morning." Laura said as she ruffled his hair walking to the fridge. Anti jumped, a bit skittish after last night. "Relax your fine." Laura assured him. Anti looked at Dark for confirmation. Laura raised and eyebrow at Dark. "Right?" Dark just grunted, snapped his fingers and disappeared. Laura made breakfast for her and Anti. Laura set the two plates down and sat across from Anti. "You don't have to worry you know." Laura tried to reassure him. "Ok, if you say so." Anti was not buying it. "Listen. I will try not to fuck with Dark using you. I can tell you that as long as you don't try anything stupid or purposely try to hurt me you will be fine. Just know this. If you do decide to try something stupid Dark is not the one you have to worry about. Well at least not until after I am through with you. But as long as we are cool he will not hurt you. I give you my word." "Did you just threaten me?" "I absolutely did." "I knew I liked you for a reason." Laura smirked at him. They finished eating. After Laura cleaned up. Her and Anti went to sit on the couch in the living room. "So how did you end up here?" Anti asked. "I bumped into Mark at a coffee shop outside of my job and it wasn't a pleasant meeting. Dark somehow found me that way. I wasn't exactly sure how but now that I have seen the mirror I have a pretty good idea. He watched me for days and then one day Mark found out about his plans for me and tried to save me. That was the day Dark appeared to me and I came here with him and have been here ever since. Laura told him. "That is not exactly what I meant. I meant how did you get here as in what happened to you as a person to make you how you are?" Laura arched her brow. "You mean how does a human turn out so crazy." Anti thought he had said something wrong looking at her facial expression. "Sorry if I didn't ask that right. It is just that I have never met a human like you. You love the hunt and to kill and you are sneaky and sadistic and really good at it but you also care and have compassion." "Well when I was little my mother was a nasty woman. She basically had me and got married just to get out of her house and away from her crazy mother. She was not affectionate or loving in any sense of the word. As I got older I seem to just be an annoyance and always in the way. My dad was a great man but he worked all nights, so I barely saw him. That also meant that he wasn't there to protect me when my mother was in a bad mood and decided to take it out on me. I was always angry. I got in trouble at school and eventually dropped out. I go arrested a bunch of times. It was eventually able to move out and I haven't spoken to my mother since. It wasn't until my father passed that I kind of spiraled. I was always so angry. So, every little thing would set me off. I would have these fits of rage that took over my whole body. Sometimes they would only last for a few minutes other time they would last for hours. It was exhausting. I hated most people. Najee is the only real friend I had. She had a shitty childhood as well, so we bonded over that and she dealt with my anger issues. My anger never allowed people to get close. It ruined every relationship I ever had, caused me to not be able to keep friends. No one was willing to put up with my shit which made me angrier. So, when Dark appeared to me and told me he could make it better that he could take the pain away I believed him and here we are." "So, you did come here willingly?" "I did." "Dark told us that but no one believed him. No one has ever come here willingly. Then when he kept you locked away for so long we thought for sure that you were his prisoner, but we never heard any screaming or crying." "Well then those must be some sound proof walls because there was defiantly plenty of screaming." Laura winked at him. Anti blushed a deep red. Laura giggled. "I don't know, the weird thing is that I am not a mean person. I am generally happy and fun. I like to tease and joke around. But that is only with people I know and trust which like I said are far and few between. On the other hand I hate to see people happy. I hate to see couples in love and kids with their parents and looking like an episode out of brady bunch. Dark may have taken away the rage part of me but not the hate and anger. That is why I enjoy causing havoc and torment. I like to see people suffer as I have suffered. I enjoy tearing down their perfect existence." "Wow you are one interesting human. I think the other's are going to like you too." "Others? You two have mentioned others before. How many others are there?" "Oh there are a bunch. You will probably meet all of them at some point, but Dark didn't want to overwhelm you with to much at once. They can be a bit much." "I think this whole situation has been a bit much. I am sure I can take it." "Ok, stay here." Anti got up and walked to one of the doors that Laura had not been allowed to go in. Anti came back a few moments later and sat back on the couch. "Prepare yourself." Anti warned. Just then there was a massive cloud of blue smoke. Laura couldn't see anything with in the cloud. Then a voice came booming out of it. The sound seemed to resonate through out the whole room. "IT IS ABOUT DAMN TIME MOTHER FUCKERS! KEEPING US AWAY BECAUSE OF ONE OF DARKS LITTLE PETS!" Laura was now standing, not realizing she had even risen off the couch. Anti was standing protectively in front of her. When the smoke cleared there was a tall slender man with blond hair, a mustache and beard standing in front of her. He didn't look like Anti or Dark. He looked human except for his eyes. They were completely black. Laura still unsure as to how to greet demons for the first time just stood there in silence waiting on Anti's lead, but neither of them got the chance as the man was now standing in front of Laura. He towered over her. "So, this is the retched little pet that has kept me away all this time?" He said while circling her like a shark. "Die, don't." Laura heard Anti yell out but the man threw Anti across the room with just a flick of his hand. "So I see that Anti let you out of your cage. Dark is going to have his hide for that. Dark hates it when Anti plays with his toys, but seeing as you are out maybe I will have some fun to. Laura was just standing there listening unamused until the man started playing with her hair, curling it around his finger. He had a mischievous look in his eye that Laura didn't like at all. "Die, don't do it I am warning you." Anti grunted as he lifted himself off the ground using the wall to steady himself. "Why, afraid I am going to hurt the little thing?" The man grabbed Laura by the hair pulling her head back. Laura grabbed his wrist and twisted it until the man yelled out. Laura then kicked the side of his leg bringing him down to his knees. She then twisted his arm behind his back and took a knife and stabbed it into the top of the man's shoulder. Laura leaned in close to his ear and growled. "Never lay your hands on me again or you will suffer twice! Once from me then again from Dark and never call me a pet! Nod if you understand me? The man nodded. Laura pulled out the knife and released his arm. Anti was not standing by Laura's side as the man rose to his feet. "I was trying to warn you dude." Anti laughed. Laura wiped the blood from the knife on her pants and put it back in its sheath. "Now if I may do a proper introduction Laura this is Die, Die this is Laura. Anti said. Laura stood there awkwardly. If she hadn't known protocol for meeting demons before she defiantly was at a loss for what to do after just attacking one. Laura didn't need to do anything as Die came over and patted her on the back. "Pleasure." Die then turned to Anti and they greeted each other with back slaps and insults. Laura watching in amusement. Die turned back to Laura when he was done. "Where did you get that knife?" He asked. "Dark gave it to me." Laura answered. Die shot Anti a strange look and Anti nodded. What?" Laura asked. "It is just that, that knife is special. Dark has had it for as long as I can remember. It used to be in a case in his office. "I always thought it had sentimental value but no one ever asked." Anti told her. "This is serious." Die said to Anti. "What do you mean by that?" Laura was confused. The air in the room was getting heavy and it was started to unnerve her. Die and Anti both looked back and fourth, between each other and Laura. Both seeming like they didn't want to say anything out of line. Die finally took a deep breath and spoke. ?Well Dark has never given his pets anything..."Die was suddenly punched in the face. He snapped his head back to see Laura seething in anger. "I told you never to call me that." Die put his hands up surrendering. "I didn't mean it that way. All other humans that Dark has ever brought here have been pets. He would give them clothes and food but they were there for his amusement to do with as he pleased. So the fact that you are even roaming the house on your own and the fact that he has given you something so important to him means things are different with you. More serious." Laura found herself smiling at the thought of this. You are special. You are exceptional. She thought about Dark's words. Laura was snapped back to reality when Anti put his hand on her shoulder. He was still talking to Die. "Laura is something else. We went out hunting yesterday and she even came along to torment Jack. I think you two are going to get along if you can get out of your own way." Anti teased. Die gave Laura a quizzical look. "Well I don't usually trust humans, but Anti despises them so if he can vouch for you then you are alright in my book. Plus, that was one hell of a greeting. You are fearless. Laura curtsied and giggled. "So how did you throw Anti across the room like that before?" Laura asked. "I can move things with my mind." Die answered. He held his hands out at Laura and she started to levitate off the ground. Laura giggled as it was a weird tickling sensation in the pit of her stomach. Die started to swing her from side to side and Laura's giggles grew in full blown laughter. Both Die and Anti were both laughing along with her until Dark's voice echoed through the living room. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Die jumped and let go of Laura causing her to drop towards the floor. Laura braced for impact, but it never came. She opened her eyes to find she was in Dark's arms. She smiled brightly at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Why are you always so grouchy when you get home?" She teased nibbling on his earlobe. Laura could feel some of the tension leaving his shoulders. Dark set her down on the ground keeping his arm firmly around her back. "Is someone going to explain?" Dark demanded. Both Anti and Die were stuttering trying to find the words they wanted. Laura rolled her eyes. Anti introduced me to Die today. He was just showing off his powers." Dark cocked his head in Die's direction. "What happened to you?" Noticing the blood on his shirt. Die's eyes went wide. Laura jumped in. "Just a little misunderstanding. Everything is settled now. All is well." Dark looked skeptical. "Look, I am fine. All in one piece, not a scratch on me. Well at least none that you didn't cause." Laura winked at him and then spun around in front of him showing that she was alright. Laura could see that Anti was biting his lip trying to suppress a chuckle. Knowing that if he laughed at this moment it would end badly for him. Laura took Dark by the hand. "Come with me. I will help you relax." She winked at him again pulling him along with her.

Die turned to Anti. "Holy shit I thought I was a goner for a minute there." Die said. "Laura would never have let that happen." Anti told him. "I see that. She just saved my ass. Maybe you were right about her." "I am telling you." She is unlike any human I have ever encountered. She is going to fit right in here." "You said that the two of you were out hunting and that you took her to Jack's. So Dark lets her leave the mansion without him?" "Yeah. He wanted me to look after her because she had been cooped up in the room for months and so I figured I was going to be sitting here all day bored watching this human. There was something about her, I knew it immediately. From the way she basically told me to fuck off after trying to introduce herself to the wonder she had exploring the house. Her curiosity for us and how we live. She found out about Jack because she touched the mirror and burnt her hand. I showed her how it worked. I explained about Jack being my human half and so I glitched us there to fuck with him. Laura rolled with it not having a clue what I was up to. She let me press a knife to her throat until it bled and played the damsel in distress roll perfectly. They she wanted to go hunting so she had me glitch us to an alley way and lured a man down, so I could kill him. I was the most fun I have had in a long time. Then when Dark got home and saw the cut on her throat and the bandage on her hand I thought that was it for me. He was so mad that I thought for sure he was going to blink me out of existence but Laura stopped him. She has a way with him that I have never seen before." "Yeah, I saw that just now, how she calmed him. I didn't think anything could calm him." "I think things are going to get a lot more interesting around here." Die nodded in agreement.

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