Can't put it off any longer

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Dark was locked in his office with Schneep for hours. Laura made sandwiches for everyone. "Do you know if everything is alright?" They have been in there a long time?" Laura asked. Anti just shrugged. Laura gave him his sandwich. She took two plates and made her way to Dark's office. She could hear Dark's voice booming from the other side. Laura knocked on the door and she heard it go silent. Dark opened the door looking flustered. He was surprised to see her but his expression immediately softened and he smiled at her. "Sorry to interrupt but I made sandwiches for you and the doc." Dr. Schneeplestein appeared behind Dark. "Hello Darling. How are you feeling?" I am doing well thanks doc." Schneep took the plate from Laura and disappeared back into the office. "Everything ok? You guys have been locked up in here for a while." " Everything is fine." Laura arched and eyebrow. "I don't want you to worry. Things are fine." Dark assured her. He kissed her on the forehead and went back into the office. Laura went back to the kitchen and joined Anti. He hadn't eaten a bit. "What's the matter? Do you not like the sandwich?" She asked. "That is not it at all silly. I was waiting for you." He responded. "Awe!" Laura kissed Anti on the cheek and took a chair next to him. Anti smiled at her and playfully bumped her shoulder with his. Laura giggled and they ate their lunch. After Laura and Anti were hanging out in the living room chatting. Dark's office door swings open, Dark storms out of the room, right past Anti and Laura and up the stairs. Laura and Anti looked at each other confused. Schneep walked out and stopped in the living room. "What happened?" Laura asked. "I am sorry dear but I am not at liberty to say." Schneep answered. Laura got up and headed upstairs. "I don't think that is a good idea." He called after her but she was already half way up the stairs. Laura found Dark sitting in the large arm chair in the corner of the room looking out the window. The air in the room was thick and stagnant. She could feel it, almost like a pressure in her chest. Dark looked up when she approached. The look in his eyes was nothing like Laura had ever seen before. It was a mixture of rage and fear. "You should go." Dark growled as she neared more. "The last thing you need is to be alone right now." "I mean it." "So do I." Laura knelt down next to the chair and lightly laid her hand on top of his which was gripping his knee tightly. Laura stood up and took his hands in hers and then placed each knee on either side of his legs straddling his lap. He rested his hands on her hips. She cupped his face in her hands. "Talk to me. Something has been going on with you since I got home. You have been distant and in your own head. Let me help you." Dark looked into Laura's eyes contemplating weather or not he should tell her what he has been up to. Dark knew that she was perceptive and he would not be able to keep it to himself much longer anyway. Dark sighed heavily and looked down at his lap. Laura took his chin and lifted his head. She kissed his lips gently. "I am not going to force you to tell me something you don't want to but know that I am here when you are ready." Laura started to slide off of his lap but Dark held her tightly in place. "Wait." Laura stopped moving and waited for him to speak. "I need you to let me explain and wait until I finish before you ask any questions. Can you do that?" Laura nodded. "While you were in the hospital I started to do some research on a ritual that I have heard about. I was so scared that you would not come home to me. So I vowed to find a way to keep you with me forever if you came home. So when you did I started putting together a plan. The ritual itself is pretty straight forward. There are always risks with anything but I am confident with Die, Anti and Schneep there that it would be fine." Dark stopped talking and took a deep breath. Laura waited for him to finish. She took his hands and held them together in front of her against her chest. "The only way I could think to keep you safe from illness, old age and death was to make you one of us." Dark looked up slowly to see Laura's reaction, but she didn't react. She just stared at him with the same loving intent look she had from the beginning. Dark continued. The problem I am having with this whole thing is that... I would have to kill you." Laura's eyes widened a bit as she took in what he had just said. She looked like she was thinking but then directed her attention back to Dark. Dark had a whole new appreciation for her at this very moment. "I was going to wait until I could have everything done and ready to go before I even brought this to your attention. The problem is something is happening that has me a bit worried and so I have been trying to rush things. There is someone else that stays here that you have not met yet and there is a reason for that. He is the most unstable out of all of us and I don't trust him around you. I fear also that with your personality and your, don't take shit from nobody attitude will not go over well with him. I fear that we can not keep you safe while he is around. Dark let out a long drawn out breath. Then he just waited. Laura had her hands resting on his chest. She was looking as if she was processing all that she had just heard. Tears started falling from her eyes. Dark was afraid to touch her, not sure what she was feeling or how she would react. After what seemed like an eternity Laura threw her arms around Dark's neck and hugged him tight. Dark wrapped his arms around her. Laura had her face buried in his hair. "I love you so much." She whispered in his ear. "I love you too." He whispered back. Dark held her close for a long time. Laura finally sat up to face Dark. "First I want to say that I understand why you felt you needed to keep this to yourself but I want you to promise me that you will come to me with anything that is happening. Let me help you figure things out. Second, I love you more than I ever thought possible. I appreciate all that you are trying to do even if it is the oddest marriage proposal I could have ever imagined." Laura teased trying to lighten the mood. Dark blushed a tiny bit. Laura changed to subject. "Now tell me of this other one you are so worried about." "His name is Willford Warfstache. He is another ego of Mark. He is insane. He is unpredictable and a loose cannon. He likes woman and doesn't have any boundaries of what belongs to him and what doesn't." "Ok, well let's look at it this way. I am all for staying here with you for eternity. I love you and I always will. I am having a hard time with the fact that you have to kill me but on the other hand I trust you. I know that you would never do anything to hurt me and if that is the only way that it will work then that is what you will have to do. It might just take a bit of time for me to get ok with that. As for this Wilford guy. I can do my best to not push his buttons like I do with Anti and Die. I like to think that I am easy to get along with now. Maybe it won't be as bad as you think. When will he be here?" "It will be about a month." "Ok, then we have time. Is there anything else I can do to help?" "Just being you has heped. You are the most amazing creature that I have ever encountered. I obviously can not force you to go through with this and if you don't want to we will deal with Wilford when he shows up. I just want you to know that I want you to be with me until the end of time. I love you in a way I have never loved anything or anyone ever in my life. I know I call you princess but I would love to make you my queen." "Oh Dark. That has got to be the most romantic thing I have ever heard in my life. I want nothing more then to be your queen. I will stay with you until the end of time. I just don't want you to rush it because you are worried about Wilford." "I can't say that I am not going to be concerned about him but I want you to remember that he was not the reason for my decision in the first place." "I know." Laura leaned forward and kissed Dark gently. Dark kissed her back a little less gently. He scooted forward in the chair lifting Laura up with him as he stood. He carried her to the bed and laid her down. "Help distract me for a while?" "Anything you need."

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