A new friend

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Laura and Dark appeared in their bedroom. "It is time for my pay back now?" Dark said as he licked Laura's neck, causing her to moan softly. "I figured you would want to go on a killing spree first to get you in the mood." "Silly girl, I am always in the mood." "Who are you calling silly?" Laura scoffed as she pushed him onto the bed. Laura crawled onto the bed. "Well then big boy. Do with me as you please." Dark smirked. "Be careful what you wish for. This may hurt." "I am stronger then you think. I can take it." Dark let out a growl and flipped Laura over onto her back. Laura let out an excited squeal.

When Laura woke Dark was still in bed with her asleep. She loved waking up next to him. Laura rolled over and threw her arm across Dark's chest and nuzzled head in his neck. Dark didn't even stir. Laura closed her eyes and drifted back off to sleep. Dark smiled to himself once he felt Laura fall back to sleep. He didn't like showing how much he liked having her near, but her presence was so soothing to him. Laura made him happier then he thought possible. He loved her more then he had ever loved anything before. He wanted her... no needed her by his side. He felt an almost possessive obsession towards her. That is why letting her visit with Mark was the hardest thing he had ever done. Dark hated every time she had touched Mark. Even though he knew she was doing it a couple of times just to mess fuck with him. She was unlike any woman he had ever met. Laura had taken better then he thought to living in this solitude but wondered how much longer she would last. He had a plan that he hoped might help. Dark kissed Laura's forehead and fell back to sleep counting her every breath.

When Dark opened his eyes again Laura was still snuggled up against him. He knew he wasn't going to be able to get out of bed without waking her. When he turned his head, he found she was smiling up at him. "Morning princess. You look awfully chipper." Dark said kissing her forehead. "That is all your fault. I like waking up to you still being here." Laura beamed. "Have you been awake long?" "Not to long. I know you have to go soon but can we stay like this for just a bit longer?" "We can stay here for a little bit, I have some time. I also have a little surprise for you later." "Oooh, I love surprises." "Well I think you are going to like this." Laura laid her head on Dark's chest and just enjoyed the silence together. After a while Laura knew that he had to get up but was staying because she asked. So she finally sat up. Dark sat up as well. He leaned over and kissed Laura. "Why don't you get dressed and meet me downstairs and I will show you your surprise." Dark suggested. Laura smiled wide. "Downstairs, that will be a surprise in itself. Ok, I will be down in a minute." Laura quickly got dressed and made her way downstairs to find Dark and someone else standing in the living room. The man had bright green hair and his ears were pointy at the tips. He was tall, thin and was wearing all black. He turned as Laura approached and she noticed his eyes. One eye was all black but the other was a hauntingly green color. It didn't look natural, but Laura knew better then to question it. Laura smiled friendly as she neared the two. "Ah, there she is." Dark smiled briefly. Laura walked up to Dark kissing him on the cheek. "Hey babe." Laura turned to the other man and extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Laura." "A handshake really?" The man said with an arched eyebrow. "Ok, fuck the pleasantries then. I am Laura. Who the fuck are you?" Laura spat. The man chuckled and turned towards Dark. "Oh I think I am going to like her." "I told you." Dark agreed. "Heellloooo? Is anyone going to tell me who the fuck he is." Laura interjected. "My name is Antisepticeye but you can call me Anti." He said with a mock bow. "I figured you were sick and tired of being cooped up in here all day alone while I was gone so I thought Anit could keep you company." Dark said as he took Laura's face in his hands. "If you say so. I appreciate you thinking of me." Laura said with a hint of skepticism in her voice. Dark kissed her gently on the lips. "Trust me he takes a little getting used to but you are going to have fun. I know it." Dark then turned to Anit. "Remember the rules. Keep her safe at all costs and that goes for you as well. If you hurt her I will kill you." Dark threatened. Anti brushed it off but Laura could see a hint of fear in his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I heard you. Nothing will happen to her." Dark snapped his fingers and with that he was gone, and Laura was standing alone in the living room with Anti. "So what do you want to do first?" Anti asked. "First I want to look around this place. This is the first time I have been out of the room." Laura answered as she started wandering around the room. The rest of the house looked very similar to the bedroom. Everything was darkly lit and the color scheme was red, black and silver. There was a giant book case in the living room full of oddly titled books that were all leather bound. There was long Victorian style couch with embroidered throw pillows. There was massive mirror hanging on the wall where a tv would normally be. It was surrounded by a gorgeous silver frame. Laura walked into the next room, Anti followed. It looked like and office. There were filing cabinets and a large oak desk with a chair behind it. There was a computer on the desk and some folders. There was another mirror on the wall that was exactly the same as the one in the living room. "What is with all the mirrors? I know Dark thinks who the fuck he is but damn is he really that into himself?" Laura joked. She reached up touch the frame intrigued by the detailing. Anti tried to stop her but he was not fast enough. Laura touched the frame and screamed as a searing pain shot through her fingers. She pulled her hand back to find her fingers bright red with blisters on her finger tips. Anti teleported to her side. "Shit! Shit! Are you alright? Let me see." Anti pulled her hand to look. "Shit!" "Anti calm down. I am fine. I just need to run it under some cold water." Laura pulled her hand back and went to the kitchen. She held her fingers under the faucet. "Is there any kind of first aid kit or gauze?" Laura asked. "I can get you some. Stay here." Anti disappeared the same way Dark did but he left with more of glitch then with the smoke like Dark. A few minutes later Anti reappeared with gauze. Laura had her hand wrapped in a towel. She took the gauze from Anti and wrapped it around her fingers "Thank you." Laura said, she could see that he was nervous. She figured it had to do with the threat that Dark had given him. "Anti, calm down. You are going to be fine. He is not going to hurt you." Laura tried to assure him. "You haven't known him for as long as I have. He doesn't throw around threats lightly." "I get that and I am sure if I was seriously hurt there would be an issue, but it is just a burn and it was my own fault. I touched the mirror. How were you to know I was going to do that?" "I know but." "No buts, I won't let him hurt you for no reason. Trust me." Anti looked unsure but didn't persist. "Why did the frame burn anyway?" "It is enchanted with magic." Laura arched an eyebrow. "It's a magic mirror? Like snow white?" "Snow who?" Laura rolled her eyes. "Never mind. Why is enchanted?" "So we can watch our other halves." "Your other halves?" Laura questioned. "It is so Dark can keep an eye on Mark and I can keep an eye on Jack." "Who is Jack?" "Oh yeah, I forgot Dark told me you didn't watch youtube. I have a human counter part like Dark does. He is a youtuber as well. He goes by Jacksepticeye." "This whole thing just keeps getting weirder. So you live here as well?" "Most of the time. There are others that come and go from time to time. That is why Dark kept you in the room for so long. He didn't think you were ready to handle more demons." "Interesting. Can I see how the mirror works?" Anti walked Laura over to the mirror in the living room and ran his finger along the frame. Smoke flowed from the line that he had traced then an image appeared. There was a man that looked just like Anti but his hair was not green and both of his eyes were crystal blue. He was in a room sitting at a desk with computer monitors and he had headphones on. Laura assumed he was recording something. "Can you show me Mark?" Laura asked. "No, I can only see Jack. Only Dark can see Mark. "Interesting?" "So what do you want to do now?" Anti asked. "I have no idea. This is your show. I will follow your lead." Anti perked up a bit and grabbed Laura by the non burnt hand and snapped. They glitched out and appeared in some living room. Anti had this giddy grin on his face like a child on Christmas morning. Laura noticed that his front teeth were pointy fangs. He had a knife in his hand. "You know that promise I made to Dark?" Anti whispered. "Yes." Laura answered, not sure where this was going. "So you know that I won't hurt you right?" "Yes, why?" "We are going to have a little fun but I am going to use you for a minute." "Ok, lets do it." "I knew I was going to like you." Anti smiled. Then he grabbed Laura from behind wrapping one arm around her and placing the knife to her throat. "I am going to need you to scream for me and act afraid." Anti whispered in her ear. Laura let out a blood curdling scream. Just then a door swung open a someone ran into the room. Laura recognized him immediately. It was Jack, from the mirror. Laura realized at that moment what Anti was doing. So she put on the best act she could. She was grasping at his arm that he had tightly around her. She worked up tears to sell it even more. "Oh please help me." Laura pleaded. "His is crazy, I don't know where I am. I am so scared. Please he is going to kill me." Tears were now streaming down Laura's face. "Anti, what are you doing? Who is this girl?" Jack asked frantic and worried. "This is Dark's latest plaything. I stole her. I brought her here to teach you both a lesson. I will not be suppressed anymore. I will not be told what I can and can not do by either one of you. So I took her to piss off Dark and I am going to kill her right here in your living room to show you that you have no control over me." Laura could see the fear in Jack's eyes. She was utterly enjoying watching him freak out. "Please no. I don't want to die. Please help me." Jack took a step towards them and Anti pressed the knife harder against Laura's neck actually causing her to flinch a bit. "Oh god please no. It hurts. Please, don't let him kill me." "What are you going to do Jack? How are you going to save her?" Anti cackled, and with that Anti let Laura go. Laura looked at Anti and they both burst out laughing. They turned back towards Jack to see the utter shock and confused look on his face which made them laugh even harder. "That was fun. What do you want to do next?" Laura asked Anti. "I don't know yet. I will think of something." Anti said. He took Laura by the arm. "Later Jack." Anti said just as they glitched out of the room. The appeared on the beach. Laura was confused why the beach but was just happy to be out in the sun. The ocean was always calming to her. There was no one around and they had the beach all to themselves. Laura dug her hands in the sand and smiled happily. "What are we doing here?" Laura asked. "I always come to the beach after causing havoc. It adds to my euphoria. There is just something about the water." Laura nodded. "I know what you mean. I love the water." Laura agreed. "That was fun wasn't it? You were really good. For a few minutes there I thought you were actually asking him to help you." Laura stood up and did a curtsy. "Thank you, thank you." She giggled. "You're going to be a lot of fun." "So let's go have some fun. Find me an alley way with not a lot of people around." Anti perked up, smiled mischievously, grabbed Laura by the hand and snapped his fingers. Anti had done just as she asked. Laura found herself standing in an alley way with no way out the back and a view line to the street. "So do you just like to scare people or do you kill people as well?" "Oh darling, I have kill more people then I can count." "Ok good. Go hide." Anti raised and eyebrow but did as he was told. Laura started to breath fast and work herself up. Anti watched in amazement as she started to cry again. Laura waited until she saw someone on the street an she sat down by the dumpster. "Help me. Please. Can anyone hear me? I need some help." Laura cried out. Anti saw a man stop and listen at the end of the alley. Laura started to cry louder, weeping and sobbing. The man turned down the alley and started heading towards them. "Hello?" The man called out. "Help me. Please." Laura whimpered. The man picked up speed and trotted down the alley way. "Oh my god. Are you ok? What happened?" The man asked as he extended his hand to Laura. She took his hand and hoisted herself off of the ground. "I was brought here by a mad man." "Your neck is bleeding." Laura touched her neck where Anti had held the knife. She pulled her hand back and there was blood on her fingers. She smiled and licked the blood. The man looked at her confused. "What the fuck?" Laura smiled and evil smile and kicked the guy in the side of his knee bringing him to the ground. "No good deed goes unpunished." Laura hissed eerily. Anti stepped out into the open. Shock and horror spread across the mans face. He tried to call for help but Laura punched him in the mouth. She then jumped up onto the dumpster and sat to watch the show. "He is all yours." Laura said. Anti took the guy by the collar and pulled him close to his face flashing his fangs. "This is going to be fun." By the time Anti was done he was covered in blood from head to toe. The man laid in a pile on the ground. Laura took his wallet and removed his cash and put it in her pocket. She threw the wallet on the body. "Let's get out of here." Laura said. Anti snapped them back into the house. He excused himself to clean up. Laura got herself a glass of water and poured one for Anti as well. When Anti rejoined her, she was sitting at the table. Laura passed him the glass of water. "Do you eat and drink? I wasn't sure." "I don't need to eat and drink, but I do. Thanks." Anti sat at the table with Laura. "Today was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. To be honest when Dark told me to hang with you today I thought I was just going to be babysitting. Dark has been very tight lipped about you." "Why am I not surprised." Anti snickered. "So, I have a question. Can you read minds and talk telepathically as well?" "Yes." "Ok, good to know" Anti snickered again. "I can see why Dark took a liking to you." "Yeah? So I am not just one of his playthings?" Laura teased. "No, I am sure you still are but you play back." Laura grinned. "You have no idea." Just then Dark appeared in the kitchen. "No idea about what? He inquired. Laura jumped up and wrapped her arms around Dark's neck. "How much I like to play with you." Laura winked at him. All of the sudden Dark's expression got serious and he tilted Laura's head exposing her neck. "What happened?" His voice boomed. Laura instinctively touched her neck and Dark saw the bandages on her hand. He growled so deeply that it shook the table. He turned his attention in Anti's direction. Anti scrambled backwards out of his chair. Fear present in his eyes. Dark lunged at Anti but Laura stepped in the way. Dark stopped startled by Laura's intrusion. "Move!" He demanded. "No. Listen to me. This is not his fault. I will not move until you calm down." Laura stated. Dark looked back and fourth, between Laura and Anti contemplating his next move. Dark relaxed a bit and backed up. "Explain!" "Well my fingers I burnt on your mirror when I touched the frame. Anti tried to warn me as soon as he realized what I was about to do but it was already to late. Not his fault. The neck thing is not what you think. He wanted to play a prank on Jack so I played the victim. Yes he held the knife to my neck but I allowed it." Laura explained. Dark was still seething. It looked like he was trying to decide weather, to accept what Laura had said or rip Anti's head off. Laura placed her hands on Dark's chest. "Look at me." Dark met her eyes. "Do not hurt him. I am totally fine. We had a blast today. He did nothing wrong." Laura assured him. Dark looked over at Anti again. "No, eyes on me." Dark looked back at Laura. "Are you listening to me You know as well as I do that if he had tried anything that he would have the marks to prove it. Does he look like I kicked his ass?" "No?" "No, that is because he didn't do anything to me." Laura finally noticed the tension leaving Dark's shoulders. Dark took her face in his hands." "If anything was ever to happen to you." "Nothing is going to happen to me. Especially if I am always surrounded by demons." Laura winked at him. She saw Dark give a small, brief smirk. Laura kissed Dark. "Sit." She said. He did. Laura walked over to Anti who was still pressed against the wall on the far side of the kitchen. Laura extended her hand. "Come on." Anti reluctantly took her hand, looking in Dark's direction. She walked him over to the table and pulled out two chairs. Both Anti and Laura sat down. "Dark? Can I trust that I can leave you two alone and you won't hurt Anti?" Dark huffed but didn't respond. "I am going to go upstairs to change. Please try to keep it civil. When I come back down I will make something to eat." Laura ran her hand across Dark's back as she walked past and winked at Anti before running up the stairs to the bedroom.

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