The Gift

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                             Later Dark and Laura made their way down to the kitchen.  I am starving but I got this list of things I can and can not eat after a heart attack. Laura searched the fridge. It had everything in it. This thing is like Marry Poppins' carpet bag. Laura pulled out eggs, onions, spinach, ham and whole grain English muffins. Laura separated the egg yolks from the whites. She sauted the spinach with some onions and garlic and only the smallest amount of oil in the pan. In another pan she seared some ham slices. Laura lightly buttered the English muffins and set them under the broiler to brown. Once Laura tossed the egg whites in with the spinach and onions, Dark's mouth started to water.  "That smells so good." Laura looked back at him and flashed him a smile. Just then Anti appeared in the kitchen.  "What is that glorious smell?"   He asked.  "Laura is making breakfast."  Dark answered. Laura made up four plates. She set them on the table. Anti raised an eyebrow.  "Four plates?"  "Wait for it." Laura said. Die appeared on the chair at the table.  "Mmmm, smells yummy."  Laura winked at Anti. Dark and Anti chuckled. Die looked at them all.  "What?" That made them all laugh harder. The four of them ate their food and after Die offered to clean up.  "You should rest.  I know you are feeling better but I want you to take it easy."  "Will do. Thank you Die."  Laura stood on her tip toes and kissed him on his cheek.  She heard Dark growl from across the room.  Laura threw her head back, rolled her eyes and groaned.  "Ugh! Are we back to that again?"  She said jokingly.  She looked over at Dark never letting go of Die's arm, which she had been holding on to for balance.  Dark raised an eyebrow at her and then stuck his tongue out at her. Hah?  Did he really just do that?  "Don't stick that thing out unless you plan on using it."  Laura teased. Then, SMASH! Laura jumped. Die dropped the plate he had been washing, breaking it into a million pieces. Laura laughed at his expression. "Sorry, to much?" Die blushed.  "Just not expected."  "Well you better get used to it." Die smiled and started cleaned up the broken glass. Laura joined Dark and Anti in the living room. The two were huddled together talking all hush hush.  "Hey, you two, what are you whispering about?"  Dark and Anti shot straight up, startled by her.  "Nothing that you need to worry about, princess."  Dark pulled Laura to him and kissed her deeply. He slid is tongue into her mouth. Laura wrapped her arms around his neck.  "Ugh, get a room."  Anti said as he glitched away. Laura giggled.  "Not exactly what I had in mind when I told you to use that but it will do for now."  Dark gave her another quick kiss.  "I have made something for you. Come, see."  Dark said holding out his hand to Laura. Laura took it happily, giving it a small squeeze. Dark led her down the hallway off of the living room. There was this massive steel door.  "You're taking me to your torcher chamber? Ooh fun."  Dark rolled his eyes at her.  "Come on."  Dark opened the door as he ushered her through. Laura descended the stairs holding on to Dark's hand and the oak wood banister. When she reached the landing she saw a huge room filled with every kind of exercise equipment imaginable. She looked at Dark who was standing proud like a peacock. Laura couldn't resist.  "So, you're saying I am fat?"  She tried to sound as serious as she could without giggling.  "NO!... I... You nee to.."  It was the first time she had ever flustered him like that. Laura took pity on him.  "I am joking love. It is amazing."  Laura flung herself into Dark's arms. She kissed him for a long time.  "I may have done a little research into heart attacks and what to do after to prevent it from happening again."  Dark stated as he fixed his suit jacket.  "That explains the fridge and having all the foods I needed in there."  "Yes, I made sure to have everything  you need. I want to make sure this never happens again."  "I love you too."  Laura kissed him quick on the cheek before she started to wander around the room examining all the different machines. Laura walked to the back of the room where there was huge open space with a mat on the floor and a tv mounted on the wall.  "In case you do yoga or pilates or something."  Laura raised her eyebrow.  "How do you know about pilates?"  "Research. Remember?" "Uh huh. Can I get youtube on this? There is a channel that I love that this space would be perfect for."  "Of course. Anything you need."  "How are you this good to me? Aren't you a demon? Aren't you supposed to be all angry and brooding all the time?"  Laura teased.  "I was angry and brooding all the time until you came here.  I don't know what it is about you, but you changed us all in some way.  Demons don't do happy, but you make us all happy."  Laura stood there shocked. She didn't know what to say or how to respond. She didn't expect such brutal honesty. She searched her mind for some snarky comment but came up empty.  Dark saw her expression and took pity on her. He walked over to her taking her in his arms.  "I love you."  "I love you too."  Laura and Dark made their way back upstairs.  Die and Anti were sitting in the living room when they arrived.  "Have you guys seen the gym that is down there?"  Laura asked bouncing on the balls of her feet.  Anti chuckled.   "I have not seen it myself.  I take it you like it?"  "I do! It is amazing. I can't wait to get in there. I am going to have to put together a work out music mix. I think I am going to go do that now."  Laura kissed Dark on the cheek and ran upstairs.

                Dark joined the others.   "I am glad she is really excited for the gym."  Die said.  "Me too. Her excitement is infectious."  Dark stated.   "Very true."  Anti agreed. "So on to a more serious topic. The conversation we were having earlier. I know it was a hypothetical of something that could be done but I just heard from Wilford that he will be back home next month. I know he is the one you are worried about the most with Laura."  Anti continued. "Shit. I thought we would have more time. Ok, I am going to need to do more research on the ritual before we make any plans, but I will need to set up a meeting with both of you and Schneep when I have more information. Be ready when I call on you."  Dark said.  "We will."  Both Die and Anti agreed.  "I need to go for a walk and think."  Dark stated before disappearing. "I have never seen him like this before. He looks legitimately scared."  Die said. "You're telling me you are not at all worried about Will coming back with Laura here?"  Anti asked. "I mean yeah, he the most unstable out of all of us but she has had this strange effect on us, what is to say that she won't be able to win him over too." "I agree that she has had some weird effect on us, and she could possibly have the same effect on him but do you really want to risk it."  She is to important."  "I agree, but what Dark is purposing is way out there and extremely dangerous and if it doesn't work the way it is supposed to it could end very badly."  "I am sure that Dark is aware of that and I am sure he is not taking this lightly and that is why he is doing as much research as he can. Plus, that is why he wants all of us there to aid him and make sure Laura stays safe." "Agreed. Maybe we should do our own research as well. So that way we are all as well informed as we can be."  "That is a good idea." Both Anti and Die disappeared. 

                     Laura was laying on her stomachswinging her legs behind her. She hasthe laptop open and she was sifting through all her different songs finding herfavorite fast beat, hard core, kick ass songs. She created a folder to save all those songs to. She was so excited to get started workingout. Laura also decided to create a mealplan. She created folders for:breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Shespent the next hour searching recipes and sorting them into each folder. Laura also made a list of things sheneeded. First, she needed one of thoselarge calendars that hung on the wall and she could write in the square. Second, she needed a set of dumbbell weightsto work out with and a water bottle. Then she made a grocery list of all the food she would need for her mealplans after the food in the fridge is done. I wonder if I could go shopping? Maybe Dark can drop me off with Najee and wecould hang out for a while. I will haveto see if that is possible. Excitedfrom making a bunch of plans, Laura jumped off the bed. She heads down stairs to find Dark, but thehouse is empty. Laura looks around, butno one is anywhere to be seen.  Where is everyone? I don't know if this house has ever been thisquiet. Laura ventured back down to the gym to check out the equipmentagain. She climbed onto the ellipticaland started running. Her legs started tohurt right away. Damn!  I am more out of shapethen I thought. Laura headed back upstairs to get a drink. She poured herself a glass of water and satdown at the table. She was humming toherself swinging her feet under her chair. Laura's mind was wandering when she heard a snicker.  She spun around to find Dark leaning againstthe door frame to the dining room.  "Howlong have you been standing there?" She asked.  "Long enough. Come here."  Laura jumped out of her chair and threwherself into Dark's arms. She wrappedher arms around his neck. That was oneof Dark's favorite things. He loved thefeeling of her arms around his neck, her hands in his hair. "I missed you."  "Sorry. I needed to take a walk and clear my head."  "Everything ok? Anything I can do to help?"  "Maybe, but not right now."  Laura wanted to push but knew better.  "Ok. Promise you will tell me when you are ready?"  "Promise."  Laura ran her fingers through Dark's hair and then traced them over hisears and down his jaw line. Laura lookedat Dark seductively. "I know exactlywhat you need to unwind."  Dark smirkedand picked Laura up and threw her over his shoulder and ran upstairs withher. Laura squealed with glee.  She slapped his ass. "Put me down."  Laura giggled.   "As you wish."  Dark did as he was asked and threw her ontothe bed.  "You always know exactly what Ineed, don't you?"  Dark asked as he climbedonto the bed as well.  "I do."  Laura responded as she pulled Dark close toher as by his tie. 

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