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Laura was happy that things had settled down in the house. Anti was helping her keep Dark calm about Wilford's arrival and everything had fallen into a nice routine over the past couple of weeks. Laura had been feeling better and better every day. She had started a workout regimen and Anti set up a button, so she could blast her work out play list in the gym without wearing her earbuds. She was on the elliptical machine that she had played with the first time seeing the gym. Her legs no longer hurt while using it. She felt stronger than she ever had before. Laura used to scoff at gyms and working out. She never realized how much she would like it until she started getting into a routine. Laura's timer went off and she slowed down then stopped completely. She moved over to the treadmill for her cool down walk. She set the pace at slow and just walked. When she finally got off the machine, she took a huge swig of her water. She pressed the button turning off the music and went to her mat to do her finishing stretches. Laura was wiping the sweat from her face when she heard a voice come from behind her. "Well hello there darling." Laura spun around. There stood a man with a yellow button down shirt, a pink bowtie, suspenders and a pink mustache. His facial features resembled Dark. Laura knew instantly who it was. There was an instant knot in her stomach, but she pushed down the fear and approached the man. "Hi." You must be Wilford Warfstache. I am Laura. It is nice to meet you." Laura said extending her hand. Wilford looked at her quizzically. He took her hand but did not shake it. He brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of it instead. His mustache tickled her skin. He held her hand longer then he needed to then he inhaled deeply sniffing her. Laura's first reaction was to pull her hand away and slap him, but she knew better after everything she had been told. So she stood there and let it happen. "You are human, and obviously free to roam the house. How peculiar." "Y-yes sir. I am not a prisoner. I live here." Laura was mad at herself for stuttering but was having trouble holding back the fear that was starting to take over. Wilford released her hand and ran it through her hair. "I can see Dark's attraction to you. You are quite lovely." "Thank you." Laura said trying not to flinch at his touch. She was trying to figure out a way to leave the room without offending him. "I really need a shower. Would you like to join me for lunch after, so we get to know each other?" Wilford looked as if he was contemplating what to say. Laura was afraid that he was not going to let her leave. "That would be nice. I will meet up with you after." Laura smiled kindly and gently pushed passed him to leave. She could feel him watching her as she headed up the stairs. Laura thought about calling Dark but didn't want this to escalate right off the bat and knew Dark would show up ready to fight. Laura thought maybe she could talk to Wilford and suss out the situation and see how it goes. If things started to get out of hand she knew Dark could be there in an instant. Laura took the fastest shower ever dressed and made her way to the kitchen. Laura searched the fridge for the ingredients she needed. Laura got to work preparing lunch. Laura made two sandwiches of a fried egg, baby spinach and avocado seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper on toast. She reheated some soup from the night before and set everything on the table. Laura looked around for Wilford but did not see him. She wandered down the hallway of doors that she assumed were rooms. She found the pink door. Has to be right? Laura raised her hand, hesitated for a minute, took a deep breath then knocked. Wilford opened the door and looks surprised to see her standing there. "Hi, I prepared lunch for us. Are you still joining me?" Laura asked. "Of course. Lead the way darling." Wilford said motioning her to walk. As they walked to the table all of Laura's instincts were telling her to run but she fought against it. She sat down at the table and Wilford took a seat across from her. He looked down at the food and then back up at her. "I hope you like it. I make all the meals so if there is anything that you do not like just let me know and I will make sure to omit it from anything I make you. Like Anti hates mushrooms so I make sure not to use them unless I know he is not joining us. Or Die doesn't like brussels sprouts. Now that I think of it, there isn't anything that Dark doesn't like. He just eats whatever I make." Laura smiled to herself thinking about it. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the spoon clink against the bowl. Wilford replaced the spoon in to the bowl. "So how long have you been here?" He asked. "It has been a few months now. It is hard to tell exactly. Time here is not the same. That is why I didn't fill in the numbers on the calendar. I just started the first day and went from there." Wilford looked up at the calendar with all the writing on it. "What is with all the food in the boxes?" "I have set meal plans for myself." "Interesting." "Is the food ok?" Laura asked. "It is very good." "Thank you." Laura smiled. Wilford smiled back. "Do you live here or do you just stay from time to time? I am surprised I have not met you until now." "This is my home. I stay here and there." "Well I am glad to finally meet you. I wonder if there are other's that I haven't met yet." "There are more then you know." Laura raised and eyebrow. "Interesting. Are they all egos or Jack and Mark? Well now that I say that Die is not an ego of either. I never asked about that." "You know Jack and Mark?" "I do. Mark is how Dark found me and Jack...Well let's just say that Anti and I had a little fun with Jack. So I can't say I know him really." Wilford looked intrigued by that statement. "Can you elaborate on that?" Laura giggled thinking back. "Anti glitched us to Jack's house and he pretended that he had stole me from Dark and was going to slit my throat in front of him." Laura absently touched her neck where he had cut her. "Interesting. You are a mysterious creature Laura." "Yeah I get that a lot." She giggled. Wilford finished his lunch and Laura cleared the dishes. As she reached for Wilford's plate he grabbed her hand. "Thank you for the meal and conversation my dear. I hope we get to do this again." "I make dinner every night, so if you are home please join us." Wilford let go of her hand. Laura put the dishes in the sink and started to wash them. After everything was washed she headed up to her room. She didn't see Wilford anywhere. Once inside her bedroom she called to Dark. "I don't want you to freak out, but Wilford is here. I am safe and in our room." Dark appeared instantly. He had fire in his eyes and tension in his body. Laura wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I am pretty sure I said don't freak out. You look like you are freaking out." "Where is he? Did he hurt you? What happened?" Laura stepped back and did a twirl. "Do I look hurt. He is in his room probably. He showed up after my work out. Scared the crap out of me at first. Plus, I had all of you guys in the back of my mind making it worse. I introduced myself, I told him who I was and then I invited him to have lunch with me. We sat and we talked and then he left and I came up here and called you." "Did he touch you?" Laura could hear the seething in his voice. She was almost scared to answer. "He was a little touchy feely but nothing inappropriate. There were a couple of times if it was anyone else I would have round house kicked them in the side of the head but I knew I had to approach things differently with him." Dark did not look happy to hear this but did have an ever so slight smirk on his face, as if he was imagining that. "I didn't know how you wanted to handle this, but I didn't want you coming in here guns blazing. I did invite him to dinner so maybe let the guys know he is here and what is happening and go from there. Or maybe go talk to him. Just don't do anything rash." "Maybe I will wait until dinner. I not going back to work however. I am staying here with you until then." "I won't complain about that." Laura said as she undid his tie and draped it around her neck. She slowly started to unbutton his shirt. She ran her hands along his broad shoulders pulling his shirt and suit jacket off at the same time. "I am sure we can find something to do to fill the time until dinner." Laura smirked at Dark. Dark picked her up and threw her on the bed. "I have a few ideas." Laura giggled.

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