Trying to help

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Laura woke to an empty bed.  There was a tray with a large silver platter with a dome set next to the bed.  Dark must be out dealing with demon stuff.  I still quiet haven't gotten used to that yet.  I wonder if I will ever get to venture out of this room?  Laura got up and ate her breakfast.  She took a shower and got dressed.  Laura opened her laptop and found a message from Mark. 

Why did you send Tyler to my house?  No one knows about Dark and I had to lie about you and Dark.  Please do not contact any more of my friends.

Laura breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Tyler listened to her, but annoyed that Mark was being a stubborn ass.  Men.  She wrote back.

I know you are mad at me right now but to be honest I don't really care.  You tweet worried me and I think you need to tell someone about what is happening.  I didn't tell Tyler anything because I wasn't sure who knew about Dark and who didn't but I don't think you should deal with this alone and Tyler seemed like one of your really close friends and I figured if you could talk to anyone about this it could be him. 

Laura closed her laptop and watched some Youtube, purposely avoiding Mark's videos because she knew it would upset her.  Laura found she really enjoyed watching these gaming videos.  She founds some really funny people to watch.  It was a good way to pass the time.  

        Mark opened his app and reread Laura's message.  He went to type something but not knowing what he wanted to say. He closed the app and put the phone down for the tenth time.  Mark's phone buzzed just then, and he turned it over to see another message from Tyler.  Mark had been avoiding his calls and texts since he sent him away the day before.  Mark wondered if he could tell Tyler about Dark.  Would he think I am crazy?  Would he have me committed?  Mark exhaled heavily and walked to the kitchen to eat.  He opened the fridge and it was mostly empty.  Mark didn't feel like cooking anything anyway, so he poured himself a bowl of cereal.  When he was done Mark put the bowl in the sink along with all the other dirty bowls that he had left there.  Mark went to the living room and flopped down on the couch, threw his head back and closed his eyes.  "Mark?" Mark shot off the couch with a start.  He turned to see Laura standing in the room with him.  She smiled sweetly at him.  "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."  "How did you get in here?" Mark said with attempted anger.  Laura arched an eyebrow.  "Really? Is that the question you really want to ask?"  Mark's expression softened, and he quickly crossed the room and wrapped Laura in a massive hug.  Laura embraced him back, holding on tight.  Laura broke the hug sooner than Mark would have liked.  "Are you ok?"  What are you doing here?  Where is Dark?  Does he know you are here?"  Laura laughed at Mark.  He was rapid firing questions at her.  "Mark, calm down. I will answer all your questions.  Come sit with me." Mark followed Laura to the couch and sat close to her.  "Ok, first I am fine.  I needed to come so you could see for yourself.  I thought my message would help but I fear I made things worse.  Dark knows I am here, I can't travel here without him.  He is close by, but I asked him to give us some privacy."   Mark took a step back and looked Laura up and down.  "You look good.  He hasn't hurt you has he?"  "Mark, I am perfect and no he has not hurt me.  He is not going to hurt me.  This is why I am here, so you can stop worrying."   "Laura, I know what he is and what he does, and I have seen what he has done to other woman.  I know the kinds of things he makes them do."   "I assure you he is not forcing me to do anything.  I need you to hear me.  This is what I want, he is who I want.  Everything I do is of my own free will.  I love him, and he loves me, and I know that is hard to wrap your mind around a demon loving but in his own way he does.  I have never felt better in my entire life.  Now onto the other reason I am here. I want to talk about telling Tyler about Dark."   Mark knotted his eyebrows and started shaking his head in disagreement.   "Wait, before you say no hear me out.  I want you to think about how many times this has happened before me?  How do you deal with him and the things he does?  You can't keep doing it on your own and you know it.  I don't know your relationship with Tyler, but I can tell that you have known him a long time and the fact that he cared enough to overlook the fact that I could have just been some crazy fan and came to check on you.  I was thinking you could have him come over with us here, so he could see for himself in case you were afraid that he wouldn't believe you."   "Mark looked at Laura skeptically.  "Can you read minds now too."  "What?"  "I was worried about telling Tyler and having him think I am crazy and having me committed."  "No, I meant what did you mean read minds too?"   Mark looked curiously at Laura.  "Dark didn't tell you he can read your mind?"  "DARK!!!"   Laura screamed.  Dark appeared in the room.  "You want to explain why you never told me you could read my mind this whole fucking time?"   Laura snapped at him.  "There was never a need.  I thought you would eventually figure it out. I don't need to read your mind though you are very vocal with your thoughts."   Dark replied.  Laura smirked.  "You do have a point there.  Don't think you are off the hook for this though."   Laura turned back to Mark.  "So, will you call Tyler and have him come over?"  "As long as you stay for a while."  "I will stay for as long as you need."   Mark looked at Dark questioningly.  Laura looked at Dark as well.  "Right?" Laura asked.  "As long as you need."  Dark agreed.  Laura walked over to Dark, took his hand and kissed his cheek.  She gave his hand a squeeze.  "Thank you.  Can you give us a minute?  I don't think you should be here when Tyler shows up."  "I won't be far."   Dark assured her but directing that more at Mark.  Dark kissed her forehead and disappeared.  Laura walked back over to Mark, put her hand on his arm and guided him back to the couch.  "Are you ready?"   Laura asked.  Mark took a deep breath, pulled out his phone, dialed a number and then put the phone to his ear.  "Hey." " Can you come over?"  "Ok, see you soon."   Mark hung up the phone and put it down on the table.  Laura noticed how nervous he looked.  She rested her hand on his knee.  "It's going to be ok."  "Don't get to handsy."  Laura heard Dark's voice in her head.  She jumped a bit startling Mark.  "You can talk to me in my head too?"  "I can.  I can see you too.  Be careful where you put that hand."   "What this hand?"   Laura moved her hand further up Mark's thigh making him fidget a bit.  "Laura!"  Dark said sternly.  Laura giggled.  "Jealous much?  Relax, I am all yours and you know it."  Mark was staring at Laura utterly confused.  "Sorry."   She blushed a little.  "I just had my first telepathic conversation of my life."  "What was with the hand on my leg?"   "Sorry.  I was fucking with Dark. He thought I was getting to handsy, so I wanted to show him what handsy could be."   "Laura you really shouldn't piss him off on purpose."   Mark said worriedly. "Mark, I am telling you, he is not going to hurt me."  Before Mark could argue more the doorbell rang.  Laura stood up when Mark did but stayed in the living room as he went to get the door.  Mark came back into the living room accompanied by whom Laura assumed was Tyler.  Laura smiled.  Mark introduced them.  Laura extended her hand.  Tyler tentatively reached out his to shake it.  "I want to thank you for coming to check on Mark when I asked even though you just thought I was a crazy fan girl.  You must be a true friend."   Laura said.  "I am.  So you were telling the truth."  "I was.  So I am hoping that you can keep that in mind when we have this conversation.  I also hope you are as good of a friend as I think you are."  "Mark what is she talking about?"  Tyler asked.  "Tyler sit, please."  Mark motioned to the chair.  Tyler sat down.  Laura took her seat next to Mark on the couch.  "So, you know the whole Darkiplier thing that I do?  Well..."   Mark stopped talking.  "Mark, would it be easier if I left the room?   Laura asked.  "No please."   Mark jumped and held her arm.  "Ok, do you want me to take over?"  Mark nodded.  Laura turned her attention to Tyler who was sitting there looking utterly confused.  "What Mark is trying to say is that Darkiplier is real.  I know that sounds ridiculous.  I am not even sure how a fictional character created as an alert ego can manifest into a real being, but he has.  I want you to think back to other times that Mark has had girlfriends in the past who are then no longer around, and Mark didn't talk about it or would withdraw for a bit.  Sound familiar?"   Tyler looked like he was thinking.  Mark looked at Laura with a curious look.  "That is scarily accurate."   Mark said.  "I am good at reading people and you are easy to read."   "This is not a joke is it?  You are telling the truth, aren't you?"   Tyler asked.  "I am.  Do you need more proof?"  "I think I do.  I want to believe but."  "Your brain is having a hard time processing this? I get that."   Tyler nodded.  Laura stood up.  "Dark?"   Laura called out.  Dark appeared next to Laura.  Tyler practically jumped out of his seat.  "Are you ok?"  Laura asked.  Tyler nodded silently as he found his way back into the chair.  "Thanks babe."   Laura turned to Dark.  Dark looked annoyed.  "You owe me for this."   Laura smirked.  "You know I always pay my dues."  Dark snickered and snapped his fingers and was gone.  Laura sat back down.  "So, you have been dealing with this alone all this time?"   Tyler asked Mark.  Mark just nodded looking so defeated.  "Why did you never tell me?"  "Really?  Would you have believed me?  You would have thought I was joking or crazy if I persisted."  "Man, I am so sorry that you have had to deal with this alone."   Tyler then turned his attention to Laura.  "How do you fit into all of this?"  "I met Mark on accident one day.  That is how Dark found me.  The difference with me as to the other girls is I chose to go with Dark.  Mark tried to persuade me to not go and he has been beating himself up all this time.  I know he has been worried about me, I tried to reach out to let him know I was alright, but I think I made it worse.  That is why when I saw his post I knew it was about me and I was worried about him.  That is why I reached out.  I didn't know if you knew about Dark or not, but I was hoping that Mark would have talked to you, so he wouldn't have to be in this alone any more.  But when he didn't I knew I had to come in person."  "Well I am really grateful that you did.  Thank you."  "Yes, thank you."   Mark said.  "You are welcome.  I am happy to help.  I think I can go now.  You will be ok here with Tyler."  "I still don't want you to go but I also know that I can't make you stay.  Will you check in now and then?"  "I will.  Before I go I have a favor to ask.?"  "Anything, name it."  "My friend Najee, she was the girl that I was with at the coffee shop the day you came over to apologize.  She was my boss and I was thinking maybe you could stop into the store to see her.  Tell her I sent you.  She knows about Dark and she is having an equally hard time with letting me go.  I thought maybe you could help her  You guys could help each other."  "I can do that."  "Thank you."   Laura stood up and Mark followed suit.  Laura gave him a hug, squeezing him tight.  Dark appeared right next to them causing Mark to jump a foot.  Laura just rolled her eyes and pushed past him and walked over to Tyler.  "Thank you again for being a good friend.  I know this is a lot to take in all at once."  Laura extended her hand and this time he took it without hesitation and shook it.  "Take care of him for me."  "I will."  Laura turned back to Mark.   "I have to go now.  You are going to be fine.  I will be watching."   Mark raised and eyebrow.  "Your videos silly."  Mark chuckled.  Laura walked over to Dark wrapping her arm with his.  "I am ready now."  Bye Mark."   Dark snapped and they were gone.

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