Sensing the pain

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          Mark and Najee were being seated in the booth.  "Thank you for joining me."  Najee said smiling at Mark.   "Thank you for calling.  I enjoy talking with you."   Mark smiled back.   "How have you been since I last saw you?"  "I am not sure how to answer that.  Things have been different.  You have to remember I have been dealing with Dark for a very long time and to see the other side of him has made me think.  Then there is the fact that Laura is out there with him hurting people and I do not like it but I don't want anything bad to happen to her.  You see what I mean.  I have been having this constant back and forth in my head."  "I know what you mean.  I can say though, I have known Laura for a very long time and even though I am not thrilled that she is out there hurting innocent people I can also say that I have never seen her happier in her life."  "This whole situation is so weird."  "I agree.  I can tell you she is doing much better though.  I actually got to hang out with her for a day and we went to the mall.  She is doing really well.  She has started a diet plan and apparently Dark built her a gym to use.  Laura was very excited to get started.  She is super serious about eating better and working out so that she never has a problem like that again."  "Well I am glad to hear that.  There is one other thing that is weighing on my mind."  "What it is?"  "Have you ever heard of Jacksepticeye?"  "No."   "Ok, he is another youtuber, his real name is Sean.  He is the other half of Anti.  Laura mentioned him while we were at the hospital."  "Yeah I remember."  "Well I guess ever since Laura and Anti showed up at Sean's place to play their little trick he has been wigged out.  He has been following the murders and he blows up my phone every time he finds a crime spree that he thinks they are involved in.  I keep trying to calm him down but I am not sure my words are getting through to him."  "I mean he can't get to them, can he?  He wouldn't be able to hurt Laura, right?"  "He can't go after them like that, but he may be able to find a way to get to Anti and in turn get to Laura.  I just worry he is going to do something stupid."  "Well, all you can do about him right now is keep an eye on him. Don't blow him off.  Let him vent to you.  At least that way you know what he is planning...Oh."   Najee clutched her head and her stomach.  Her face went white.  "Najee are you ok?"   Mark asked concerned.  "I don't feel right all of a sudden."   Mark reaches out to touch her hand then suddenly clutched his chest.  He took in deep ragged breath.  Najee saw tears streaming down his face.   "Oh my god! Mark!  What's wrong?" "I don't know but something is very wrong.  We have to go."   Mark stood up and Najee followed.  They both rushed out the door.  Once they were by the car Mark tried to call out to Dark.  "Dark?  "Dark, can you hear me?  What is happening?  I can feel something is very wrong?  Please answer me."   Mark leaned against the car.  He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.  "Mark, what is happening?"  "I don't really know.  I just got this massive pain in my chest and an overwhelming feeling of sorrow.  It felt like I couldn't breathe for a minute.  I think something happened to Dark. He is not answering me."  "I don't think you should be alone right now.  Let's head back to your place and I will stay with you until you hear from him."   "Thank you."   Mark looked so sad.  Najee got in her car and followed Mark home.  She sat on the couch while he paced the floor in the living room.  "You are going to wear a whole in the floor you keep pacing like that."   Najee joked.  "Heh, I just can't sit still.  I don't know why he is not answering me."   He just kept pacing and Najee just kept watching.   A couple of hours had past when Dark finally answered.  "Something happened with Laura.  There is nothing you can do to help.  I will give you more details when I have them."   Mark stood frozen in place.  He slowly looked at Najee.  "I was worried about the wrong person.  Something happened to Laura, but Dark didn't say what.  He said he will tell me more when he can."   Mark fell back into the chair. Najee had so many questions, but she knew Mark didn't have the answers.  They just both sat there in silence and waited.  

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