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Anti and Dark sat in awkward silence for a while. "I can see why you like her so much." Anti said. "She is exceptional. Like no other human I have encountered before." Dark stated. "We had a lot of fun today. You should have seen her. She was up for anything. She put her full trust in me when we were at Jack's not knowing what my plan was and then she planned out a hunt for us that worked amazingly. She is fearless and wicked and..." Anti realized he was getting carried away and almost said to much. Dark realized he was holding back.
"Continue, and what?" "N-nothing, she just amazed me today. I thought I was going to be stuck baby sitting not tormenting and killing." Dark knew there was more. He was going to push but decided against it. For now. "I am glad that Laura had your company. I knew it wasn't good to keep her lock up alone in that room for much longer." "The best part was how much she enjoyed herself. She will fit right in around here. I think the others will like her as well." "I don't want to overwhelm her. I have asked them to stay away until I feel she is ready." "I don't think you will have to wait for too long. She may be human, but she is defiantly one of us." Dark's mind drifted off with those thoughts. Moments later Laura came bounding down the stairs, snapping Dark back into the present. She is so stunning. Dark stood to meet her as she reached the bottom stair. Laura wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss. "Hey babe, everything all good down here? I didn't hear any crashing, so I am guessing you two worked out your shit?" Laura asked raising and eyebrow. "I believe Anti did nothing to put you in harms way. After talking I can see that Anti enjoys your company so I can trust that he will do everything in his power to keep you safe when you are with him." "I am glad to hear it. You guys want to eat? I am going to make something. I am starving." Laura asked as she walked into the kitchen. Laura ruffled Anti's hair as she walked past him causing him to blush. Dark was still standing by the stairs when he started to speak. "No, I think I will..." but was then cut off as Anti answered at the same time. "Sure, why not." Laura and Anti both looked at Dark. "I guess I will stay then." Dark took a seat back next to Anti. "Don't feel you have to. If you have stuff to do go ahead." Laura stated. "No, it's alright. I will join you for dinner." Dark assured her. Laura smiled sweetly at him then turned to the large refrigerator. "Holy shit! There is a ton of food in here for guys that don't need to eat." Laura laughed. "Just because we don't need to eat doesn't mean that we never do. Plus, when you arrived..." Dark wasn't really sure how he wanted to finish that sentence but realized he didn't need to. Laura beamed at him with a brilliant smile. Laura turned back to the fridge and started pulling out a bunch of ingredients. Dark and Anti chatted while Laura was busy chopping and cooking. Dark noticed that she was humming to herself as she worked. She was so focused on her task at hand. Anti took notice as well but was mesmerized by her handling of the butchers knife she had in her hand. Laura stopped working and turned to look at them both. "Something wrong?" She asked. Both men shook their heads. "No, nothing. Why?" Anti shrugged. Laura giggled. They both looked like children getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "It is just that you two got awfully quiet, and you're staring." They both shifted in their seats a bit uncomfortable. "Sorry princess, I just got lost watching you work. I was enjoying your humming." Dark told her. "I was watching you chop the veggies. You do know how much I like knives right?" Anti stated. "Well then, enjoy the show boys." Laura said as she curtsied then got back to work. Dark and Anti both sat awkwardly silent for a minute before they went back to chatting. Laura had finished cooking and plated up the food. "Now for my encore presentation." Laura set down the plates of food and then bowed. Anti and Dark both chuckled. "You're a lot of fun. I like you." Anti said as he picked up his fork and knife. "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." Laura smiled sweetly at him. "You should take that as a huge compliment. Anti despises all humans." "Awe. We have something else in common. I hate just about everyone as well." Laura said as she walked around the table to give Anti a quick hug. Just then Dark slammed his fist down on the table startling both of them. That venomous killer look was back in his eyes again. Anti was shaking. Laura stood up giving Anti's shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she walked away. Laura plopped down in Dark's lap and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love it when you get all jealous and possessive." Laura joked but Dark wasn't even listening. His focus was on Anti. "Dark look at me." Laura said as he took his chin in her hand and guided his gaze to hers. "Calm down please. You know I love you most of all. Right?" Dark looked into Laura's eyes and could feel himself starting to calm down. His arms were around her holding her in place. "Better? Can we eat now. The food is getting cold and I am still starving." Laura winked at Dark. With a grunt Dark let Laura off his lap. Laura walked around the table and took her seat across from the two guys. Anti shot her grateful smile. They all ate in silence except for the occasional happy groan as they enjoyed the food that Laura had made. When everyone was finished eating Laura stood to take their plates. Anti jumped to his feet. "No, let me. I have caused enough trouble today. I will clean up." "You didn't cause any trouble. Some one is just super sensitive when it comes to little old me." Laura teased, shooting Dark a side smile. "Thank you for real though. For dinner and for everything else. I mean it." "You are welcome." Laura joined Dark and headed upstairs to their room. Laura flopped down on the bed. "Are we going out tonight?" Laura asked. "Not tonight." Dark stated dryly. "Are you still mad about earlier? Are you sure some chaos won't make it better?" "I said we are not going out!" He bellowed. Laura smirked and sat up on the bed. Dark was standing stiffly at the foot of the bed removing his suit jacket. Laura crawled over to him as he started to unbutton his shirt. She smiled devilishly at him. Dark stood there seemingly unfazed by her. Laura sat up on her knees so she was face to face with him. Dark stood his ground. Laura laughed at him. "I love when you act all mad. Come here." Laura put her arms around Dark's neck and pulled him on to the bed with her. He broke his facade and smiled at her. "You know how much I love when you get violently possessive. But you can't attack Anti every time I touch him. I am yours and only yours and you know it." Laura said. "I make no promises. You are mine and I hate the thought of anyone else's hands on you." Dark responded. "Not that I was close with many people but when I am I have a tendency to be touchy feely. But know that I have no interest in touching anyone other than you." Laura ran her hands through Darks hair. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. Dark felt his anger dissipating more and more. She looked into his eyes as she started to unbutton his shirt. Dark couldn't act mad anymore. He grabbed Laura and flipped her over, so his face was hovering inches from her. "You drive me crazy. I love you like I have never loved anything before. Now I have to punish you for your behavior." Dark growled. Laura smiled wide and raised an eyebrow. "Let me have it baby." She then pulled Dark down on top of her, laughing manically.

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