The Hunt

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About an hour later Dark and Laura were in the woods. There was a cabin out in the middle of nowhere with a couple that Dark had been scoping out for a bit. Laura followed Dark's lead like every other time. He had them make a wide circle around the perimeter to check for any spying eyes that might be able to see. They waited until all the lights were off to enter. Dark stopped at the front door after opening it and stepped aside. Laura looked at him confused. "This one is all yours." He said. A wicked smile spread across Laura's face. She tiptoed into the house. She silently made her way upstairs. She found the couples bedroom and slowly opened the door. She approached the man first. Laura pulled out her knife and sliced both of the man's achillies tendons through the sheets. The man woke screaming in agony. Laura pounced onto the bed on top of the woman so she could not run. She held the knife to her throat as she watched her husband stumble out of the bed and try to stand. Laura knew with that injury he was not going anywhere. Laura dragged the knife slowly down the woman's cheek watching the bright red plumes of blood appear. She then dragged the knife across her throat cutting enough to make it bleed but not enough to kill her. The woman didn't move she didn't struggle she just laid there and cried. This is boring. Laura thought to herself and stabbed the woman in the heart. Laura then jumped off the bed onto the man on the floor. He had army crawled his way to the hallway. Laura stabbed him in the shoulder and listened to the wails of pain. She then stabbed his other shoulder. She stood up over the man and pushed him over with her foot. She saw fear and anger and despair in his eyes. It halted her for a minute. Laura laughed manically, shaking the feeling off as she sat on his stomach. She dragged the knife down the inside of his arm on the right side and then again on the left. She went to slash at his chest but instead she slit his throat. She stood and watched the man gasp for air as he drowned in his own blood. Laura turned to find Dark standing with a questioning look on his face. Just then they both heard the front door open. "I thought you said they were the only two in the house?" Laura asked. "They were supposed to be." Dark stated. Laura ran down the stairs and out the front door. Dark had disappeared, but she figured he was on the hunt as well and would not let the man get to far. Laura ran out into the darkness trying to get her bearings and some sense of where they were. Laura ran into the woods searching and listening. It was so quiet. There were not even any bug sounds. Just then it started to rain. The sound of the rain drops hitting the leaves of the tree made it almost impossible to hear anything. "Dark, he is all yours. I can't hear anything with this rain. Come get me when you're done." Laura spoke to Dark in her head. Laura turned to head back toward the cabin and realized she had wandered to far away to see it. She started walking in the direction she thought it was in but wasn't certain. The rain was getting heavier and it was starting to get cold. Her clothes and hair were soaked. She wandered and wandered. Finally, she gave up trying and sat down against a tree. "Dark, I need you to finish him off and come get me please. I am lost in the woods." Laura said in her head. Just then she heard a man scream and Dark appeared in front of her. She was so relieved. He scooped her up into his arms and teleported them back to their room. Laura had her face nuzzled into Dark's shirt she was shaking like a leaf. Dark put her down and helped her take off her wet clothes. He wrapped her in a towel and started drying her off. Laura pulled out her fuzziest pajamas she had and put them on. Dark then crawled into bed with Laura and wrapped his arms around her. Laura snuggled close to him letting his warmth envelop her. "I am sorry things didn't go as planned tonight. I feel bad that shit went sideways the first time you let me take the lead." Laura whispered. "Hush now, if there is anyone to blame that would be me  I was the one who scoped out the house. I didn't know there would be a third person there." Dark assured her. Laura stayed silent for a while. "I do have one question?" Dark said. "Hmm?" "With the man in the house. What made you hesitate?" Laura let out a long sigh. "I don't like to torture the men. I like to kill them right away. I like to take my time with the women. I enjoy watching them suffer and squirm. I like seeing their fear." "I have noticed that when we are out hunting. I never thought to ask until now because it was the first time I have ever seen you pause." "I think it has to do with my parents. My father was a good man. He loved me and was good to me. My mother on the other hand is the complete opposite so I think that explains why I like to focus on the woman." Laura shivered and snuggled even closer to Dark. He pulled the covers up their chin and tucked it around her. "Shhh, try and get some sleep princess. You did great tonight. I love hunting with you." Laura smiled and closed her eyes. She let Dark's warmth surround her as she drifted off to sleep.

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