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          Anti opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything.  He was cold and his whole body ached. He didn't know where he was.  He felt along the floor and walls of whatever room he was in.  They were hard and cold, like concrete.  He stopped suddenly when he realized he was in one of the dungeon rooms in the basement of the house.  How the fuck did I get here?  Anti racked his brain trying to remember what happened.  He couldn't but he knew who was behind this.  There is only one way he could have ended up locked in here.  WILFORD!  Anti tried to glitch out of the room and was met with white hot piercing pain in his neck.  He screamed out as he fell to the ground.  He grasped his neck to find there was some sort of collar on him.  He clawed at his and tried to rip it off but instead he was shocked again.  Anti gasp for air as the pain finally started to subside.  Anti sat on the floor for resting his head against the cool wall.  If I can get to Dark he will help.  "Dark?  You need to help me?"   More pain coursed through Anti's head.  He curled up in ball on the ground.  Shit! What am I going to do now?   How the hell am I getting out of this?  After a while Anti pulled himself together.  He slid himself up the wall.  Running his hands along it he made his way around the room.  There has got to be a door here.  It was pitch black, he couldn't see anything.  After searching for what seemed like forever Anti finally found the door to the room.  He felt around the frame and pulled at the hinges trying to see if there was a way to escape.  He knew from experience that these doors were made so no one could escape but he need to try.  Just then he heard a sound.  It was a clinking sound.  It was coming from inside the room.  There was something else in there with him.

Dark and His QueenWhere stories live. Discover now