Dark Emotions

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          Dark was pacing the room.  He would walk to the bed and then walk back and continue to pace.  Anti sat anxiously on the floor in the hallway.  Die had run off but nobody knew where. Dr. Schneeplstein was sitting in a chair next to the bed.  Laura had been unconscious for hours.  "When is she going to wake up Schneep?  The ritual worked didn't it?  We all saw it?  Why is she not awake yet?"  Dark was rapid firing questions as he paced back and forth.  "I don't know why she is not awake yet?  We did everything correctly.  It all went as it should.  Now we just need to wait."   The doctor told him.  He rolled Laura on to her side to check the dressing on her wound.  "The wound is starting to heal.  That is a good sign.  I think she should wake up soon. I just can't say exactly when.  I know that is not what you want to hear.  I am sorry."  "I know Schneep, I am sorry.  I am just upset.  I didn't mean to take it out on you."   The doctor just nodded at Dark and sat back in his chair.  After another hour of Dark pacing Schneep stood up.  "Come.  We should take a walk or something."  "I can't leave her, in case she wakes up."  "Dark, it might be a while and sitting here is not good.  Plus, we will know when she wakes up."   Dark wanted to argue but he knew Schneep was right.  When Dark emerged from the room Anti shot to his feet.  "Is there any change?"   Dark hung his head.  "No, Schneep convinced me to take a break.  I will be in my office."  "I am staying right here."   Anti sat back down.  Dark locked himself into in his office.  He rested his head in his hands.  Dark let out a deep sigh and sat back in his chair.  He opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a photo.  There stood him and Will side by side, looking happy.  Dark placed the photo back in the drawer and closed it.  

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