Wedding Reception Demon Style

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          Laura, Dark, Anti, and Die all appeared in a wooded area across from a brightly lit old style building.  "I found that there is an art gallery that is having an event that is closed to the public, so the doors will be locked after 8.  We just need to take out the guards at the door." Anti informed them.   "I got the guards."   Die offered.  "Good, once you have them taken care of meet us in the lobby."   Dark instructed.  Die nodded.  Dark snapped his fingers and Laura's closed changed into a long black ball gown with a slit up the leg.  Her hair was pulled up in a bun with two curls that hung down each side of her head over her ears.  Anti whistled at her.  "Like what you see?"   Laura asked winking at him.  "I do."   Anti responded without thinking and then shrunk back looking at Dark.  Dark just sneered.  Laura smiled at Anti and blew him a kiss.  "Let's go have some fun."   Laura said.  Laura and Dark walked up to the door.  He pulled out an invitation from his jacket pocket and handed it to the guard.  The guard nodded and let them in.  Laura grabbed two glasses of champagne off of the tray that the waitress was walking by with.  She handed one to Dark.  "To us."  "To us."  They clinked their glasses together.  "This is such a beautiful place.  I bet it is going to look so much better covered in blood."  Laura snickered.  Dark smirked at her.  Die appeared next to them.  "All good."  "Where's Anti?"  Laura asked.  "Right here."   Anti appeared behind her.  "I was taking care of some love birds that snuck out back to suck face.   I also barricaded all of the other exit doors."  "Nice like rats in a cage."   Laura said. Laura grabbed another glass of champagne and pushed the waitress to the ground.  She sauntered into the middle of the room and raised her glass.  "Ladies and gentlemen!  May I have your attention.  Tonight is a very special night.  You all get to be part of my wedding festivities.  You, lucky group get to celebrate our joyous union and your gift to us will be...YOUR BLOOD!  Get em boys."   Laura downed her glass of champagne and threw the glass.  Anti and Die lunged for a group people.  Dark was just leaning against the pillar watching.  Laura chased down a woman that was trying to run upstairs.  Pulling her by the hair she dragged her over to a near by statue.  "I don't really get this piece.  Can you explain it to me?"   Laura asked holding the woman's face against the cold metal."  I...I...I...I... The woman just stammered.  "You don't get it either huh?  Maybe this will help."   Laura ran the woman's head right into the spikey part.  Her body hung limp as the blood ran down the statue and collected at the base.  "Ah, much better."  Laura spun around.  "Who's next?"   She caught another woman cowering in the corner. She threw her into the middle of the room.  "P-please don't."   The woman begged.  "Begging will not get you anywhere.  You are all going to die tonight."   The woman looked up in fear.  Laura saw the woman's eyes dart behind her but Laura was not able to react in time.  A man grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her around.  He went to punch her but she caught his wrist.  She snapped it and twisted it behind him.  She took his other hand and raised it up in a dancing pose and spun around and around with him.  "If you wanted to dance with the bride all you had to do was ask."   Laura cackled.  She then snapped his other wrist and left him in a heap on the floor.  Dark was beside her.  He looked mad.  "What jealous?"   Laura asked.  "Yes. I haven't even danced with the bride yet."   Dark replied with a growl. Hey Anti, Can you see if there is any music for me please?"   Laura asked.  "I'll see what I can do."   "Thanks you're the best."   Dark pulled Laura close to him.  Laura placed her hand on Darks shoulder and took his other hand in hers.  Classical music started playing through the speakers.  Dark and Laura started dancing.  Murder and chaos going on around them, blood all over the floor and the two waltzed like they were the only ones there.  "Can we dance like this everyday?"   Laura asked.  "We can do anything you wish my queen."   Laura wrapped her arms around Dark's neck and continued to dance holding him close.  "As much as I am so happy to be your queen.  I still like it better when you call me princess."   She whispered close to his ear, nibbling on his earlobe.  The night continued with more murder, chaos and dancing.  Laura even made Anti and Die dance with her. After several hours everyone was dead.  The paintings and sculptures were all drenched in blood.  Laura stood with the guys in the middle of the massacre and smiled.  "I told you this place would look better painted in their blood."   Laura stated.  "That you did my dear.  That you did."  "You guys ready to get out of here?"   Anti asked.  They nodded in agreement.  Once back at the house, Laura was euphoric after the evening she just had.  "So, can I do the same things you do?  Like that snapping to change your clothes thing?"   Laura asked.  "You should be.  These powers take time to master but give it a try."   Dark told her.  Laura thought about her most comfortable jammies and snapped her fingers.   All three of the guy's eyes got wide.  Anti and Die turned away.  Laura realized she was naked."  "GOD DAMN IT!"   She snapped again and was back in her dress.  "Ugh! Dark, wanna help me?"   Dark snickered and  snapped his fingers. Laura was in her favorite jammies.  "How did you know?"   She asked.  "Mind reader, remember."  "Hahaha right. Duh.  Thank you."   "You're welcome."   Laura caught a glimps of Anti and he was bright red in the cheeks.  "Sorry guys.  I will practice that trick alone in my room."   Laura walked over and pinched Anti's cheek.   She walked back to Dark.  "I think it is about time that we pick up where we left off earlier."   Laura whispered in Dark's ear.  "I have something for you first.  Think of it as a wedding gift."  "Oooooh.  I am excited."   Dark walked into the living room.  There was a black cloth hanging on the wall.  Laura bounced on the balls of her feet with excitement.  Anti chuckled at her.  "Are you ready?"   Dark asked.  "Just do it already.  The suspense is killing me."   Laura squealed.  Dark pulled the cloth to reveal the most gorgeous mirror she had ever seen.  It was framed in red with a fleur-de-lis pattern.  Laura was drawn to it.  She lifted her hand but quickly withdrew it as she remembered what happened the last time.  "You can touch this one.  It is yours.  You can watch over both Mark and Najee."   Dark told her. Laura's mouth gaped open.  "Are you serious?  How does it work?"  Laura asked. "Just think of who you want to see and run your finger along the frame."   Laura closed her eyes and ran her finger along the cold metal.  The mirror fogged up and then cleared and there was Najee sleeping in her bed.  "That is amazing.  Thank you.  I love it so much and it is sooo pretty."   Laura jumped into Darks arms.  "I love you."   Laura kissed his lips quickly.  Laura grabbed onto Dark's tie and pulled him towards the stairs.  She looked back at Anti and Die.  "Night boys."  Laura said with a wink.  Once they were inside the room Dark spun Laura around and pinned her to the wall.  He held both her wrists together above her head as he kissed her passionately.   "Tonight, was amazing."   He said in a deep gravely, voice that sent shivers down Laura's spine."  "Well it is not over yet."   Laura kissed him again then bit on his bottom lip. When Dark looked in her eyes he could see lust and desire like never before.  Laura kissed her way along his jaw line, down his neck and then she sank her teeth into the flesh of his shoulder.  Dark seethed in pain and moaned in pleasure.  "Now that I am one of you there is no need to hold back."   Dark looked at her, eyebrow arched.  "You think I don't know what you could do to me?  You think I don't know how much you have been holding back all this time? One of the million reason I love you so much.  Well good news for you.  There is no more holding back."   Laura licked her lips and winked at Dark as she backed up to the bed.  Dark was so aroused and in love at that very moment. He never thought he could feel like this.  Laura snapped her fingers pulling Dark out of his thoughts and just like that they were both naked.  Dark charged at Laura, tackling her onto the bed.  Laura let out a shriek of pure joy.  She had been looking forward to this.  

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