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one year later.

" no, nadine. i refuse! "
i tried with all i could not to roll my eyes, staring at the middle aged woman in disbelief.
it's molly, not nadine.
" i'm your mother, and you'll listen to me! " she bellowed, what came after making my eyes go wide in surprise.
" daniel will be here shortly, and so will the guests. at least make yourself look as if you're part of the adderley family, dear " her words didn't faze me, i was used to her tone.
she was a cruel woman, who i'd unfortunately had to put up with for eighteen years.
" bitch " I murmured under my breath, a gasp leaving my fathers lips. I didn't even know he was here.
" what did you just say, nadine?!? " he snapped, startling me.
i didn't turn back to face my pathetic excuse of a father. instead i lowered my gaze to the marble flooring, staring down at it in shame.
" nothing, father "

the sound of heels echoing throughout the large halls of our home rang in my ears, letting me know that the guests had arrived. annie had picked out the most beautiful red dress for me to wear, though it was rather fancy.
" thanks for this, annie " i smiled, watching the lady smooth out her work dress shyly.
" don't thank me, miss adderley "
i shook my head at the kind woman, placing the expensive fabric on my bed.
" molly " i laughed gently " i always tell you to call me molly "

annie let out an amused breath, raising her eyebrow as she looked up at me. this lady had been working for our family for years, yet she still kept up the joke of calling me miss adderley. she knew how much i hated it.
" i'll make sure to do it when your parents are out of the way, then, molly "
i nodded at her words, watching her wave before exiting my room, leaving me to change. i could hear my mother's voice calling my name from downstairs, and so I slipped into the designer outfit quickly, not even bothering to check myself in the mirror before i left.

my hand trailed across the banister as i stepped down each large step, the grand staircase of our home on show for all of the guests. many grinned at me as i entered the room, only for me to give them a stone cold glare. i didn't need this party, i didn't even know half of the people here.

" the bride to be, everyone! nadine lynn adderley! " our butler welcomed me, a round of applause sounding from everyone who looked up at me.
i cringed at the name, and so did all of our staff. they're not staff to me, more like friends. as close as i'll get, anyway.
" and her groom, daniel preston! "

my eyes snapped down to the boy who was stood at the bottom of the stairs, his hand extended out for me to grab. he had an evil smirk across his face, his dirty blonde hair styled up, and his tanned skin covered by the designer suit. most girls would say he looked amazing, but to me, he was disgusting.

i took his hand, however, letting out a huff as i stood next to the boy, my fiancé, more like.
not by choice, of course. i'd rather marry a pig than marry daniel, but my parents apparently have the right to make that decision for me.
" oh, come on, nadine... it could be a lot worse. you act as if you're being made to marry a criminal " he smirked down at me, his hand tightly clinging onto my wrist.
he said his words through gritted teeth, saying them so quietly that no one else could hear over the loud cheers.
" you're not far off " i said back, standing my ground as I snatched my wrist from his grip.
he wasn't far off, it was the truth. he was a horrible, horrible person, and it was just my luck that my parents were close with his.
some of the things he'd done to me haunted me, and some of the things he said made me sick.

" i'd like to thank everyone for coming to my wonderful daughter, nadine, and her amazing fiancé, daniel's, engagement party tonight. i can't even begin to express how excited we are to be joining the preston's in business "
my father spoke, the large group of guests sat around the over sized table listening carefully.
he was speaking a whole load of bullshit, it was enough to make me laugh.

everyone looked far too posh and well dressed for my liking. if it were up to me, i'd have everyone come in sweats. but then again, if it were up to me i wouldn't be here in the first place. if it were up to me, i would've ended everything a year ago when i found out I'd be marrying daniel. that was until that random boy, stopped me, of course.

" im so happy that our daughter has found someone who's just as intelligent and loving as herself, to marry next year " my mother added bitterly, her words still stone cold, though she tried to sound loving.
the crowd applauded for no reason, and
i didn't even have the chance to think before daniel's hand had landed on my thigh, a nervous gulp leaving my lips.
" do you have any words, daniel? " my fiancé's father asked, everyone turning towards the two of us eagerly.
before he could even take the microphone from his hand, i'd snatched it from him, rising to my feet and smoothing out my dress.
i coughed to clear my voice, licking my lips with a smirk.
" i do, actually! " i began, the look on my parents faces being one of worry, and hatred.
" good evening everyone, i hope you're all having a wonderful evening " i smiled a sickly sweet smile, my mother and father looked shocked, somewhat surprised that i was giving a polite speech. not for long.
" i would just like you all to ask yourselves, how does it feel to support child abuse? and an illegal marriage? because that is exactly what is happening here! " i started yelling, my mother's face turning white of colour, as she frantically tried to snatch the microphone from my hands.
i pulled it back however, pushing her hand away as many of the guests gasped in horror at my next words.
" and i wish you all a big kick in the ass! go fuck your- " the mike was now out of use, as my father had unplugged it.
the wire was draped over the table, and glares or distasteful looks were being thrown my way.

the room was silent, awkwardness surrounding us as i bowed, holding the ends of my dress up slightly in a curtsy.
" have a great night! "

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