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" you're a bitch! " daniel yelled, grabbing my lamp and throwing it the floor, shards of glass landing at my feet.
i jumped back in fear as he did so, watching as he stormed towards me, his hand grabbing my neck. i coughed in agony, barely even managing to get any words out.
" get the fuck out! " i managed to scream, his hands dropping me from his grip, leaving me heaving for breaths.
just as i thought it was over, his fist collided with my eye, making me stumble back, hitting the door with a thud.
tears began streaming down my cheeks as i fumbled with the lock, desperate to leave. it was then that i rushed down the hall of the house, spotting my mom at the bottom of the stairs.

" nadine! what was all of that noise? "
" please, help... he punched me, and- " i began sobbing, almost begging, begging for her to let me leave him.
i shouldn't need her permission.
her face turned into one of hatred as she scoffed, looking up to the top of the stairs as daniel headed down with a fake smile.
he said his goodbyes to my mother, who waved him off, leaving the two of us stood together alone when he left.
" don't be ridiculous. go to your room " she instructed, my jaw dropping as my breathing increased, chest heaving up and down.
" but- " i began, being cut off by the woman.
" now! "

i fell silent, my eyes burning holes into hers as i stared her down. my mother clearly grew uncomfortable the more i glared, my anger boiling up inside of me.
" i'm done with this shit "
was all i said as i stormed to the front door, which daniel had previously exited from.
" where are you doing, nadine?!? " she bellowed, following me as i pushed it open, and headed down the front path of the mansion.

where was i going?
to ethan.

with that thought in mind, i turned back to the cruel lady who was shocked, a smirk forming on my lips as i wiped under my teary and most likely bruised eye. i was going to see ethan, the only person who makes me feel at rest, who makes me feel safe and happy, and she wasn't going to stop me this time.
" i'm going home "

i sniffled as i looked down at the water, sitting on the only place where i somehow managed to feel calm. but today it was a lot less calmer, and i knew why.
however, when the soothing yet deep voice spoke up, my worries washed away like soap.
" hey, mol " ethan smiled, my heart fluttering as he used a nickname.
i'd never been given a nickname, and i loved it. i loved it because ethan had given me it.
" hi " i croaked out, my voice hoarse and dry.
as soon as he heard me speak ethan turned towards me in shock, his lips agape as his eyes scanned across my face. his large hand reached out towards my hoodie, lifting the hood from my head, and removing the hair from in front of my face.
" oh my god... what happened? " he asked quietly, his thumb running across my skin, making me wince in pain.
" who did this to you? " he asked again, only for me to shake my head, and put my hood back up.
" no one, it's fine "
i knew that it wasn't fine. it was far from, fine. ethan knew that too, and just by the look in his eyes, i could see just how much he cared.
" it's not fine, molly. who the fuck did this to you? " he suddenly snapped, his words harsh and slightly intimidating.
i'd never seen him act like that, and even though it should have been the last thing on my mind, i couldn't help but love how protective he was being over me.

ethan realised that he'd startled me, his body scooting closer as his arm wrapped around my waist. a sudden feeling of warmth took over me when i hesitantly rested my head on his shoulder, and his hand began rubbing up and down my back soothingly.
" i can't stop thinking about you, molly. i can't stop worrying " he whispered against my head, something which made me shiver.
" why? " was all i said, unable to think of anything else.
he paused for a moment, his head falling against my own, as he let out a breath.
" because i care about you, and you're in a horrible place... and i know that it was your fiancé who did that- " he rambled, before i sat up, my hand reaching up to cup his cheek.
he immediately stopped when i did so, his eyes sticking to mine like glue.
" you don't need to worry about me, ethan... please don't " I told him, his eyes still staring into mine with admiration.
they quickly glanced down at my lips, as he licked his own, before snapping back up to my eyes within seconds.
" i do... he's hurting you, molly "
i felt my heart break into two as i looked down at my hands, unable to handle the truth.
his finger was now under my chin as he directed me to look at him.
" you don't have to be brave all of the time, you know? i won't judge "

i couldn't help it.
as soon as he said that, the tears which i'd been forcing back fell from my eyes, almost on command. he accepted me, and he wouldn't judge.
" it's okay, let it out "
i cried even more, my cheeks obviously when more blotchy and red than they were before. i didn't care, though. ethan had me caring less and less, and it was a great feeling.
however, he did have me caring more and more for one thing. and that was him.

ethan pulled me close to his chest, my face buried into his hoodie. the scent of his cologne was all i could smell, but i wasn't complaining.
" uh- do you maybe want to stay at mine tonight? " he suddenly spoke up, my eyes going wide.
i didn't know what to say, and so i looked up at the boy, my eyes glossy.
he was staring down at me with a little
smile, something which made my heart skip a beat.
" it's okay, i don't want to be any trouble " i shrugged, denying the offer.
but instead of stopping there, he let out a gentle laugh, a beautiful sound which i wanted to hear over and over again.
" no, i insist. it's getting late, i don't want you going back to your place on your own " he told me, as i wiped under my eyes, fighting back the grin which was daring to grow on my lips. i knew he was doing the same, and it was enough to make my cheeks turn slightly

it was only six pm, and the fact that he said it was getting late was clearly an excuse.
" besides, we never hang out anywhere else, only on this bridge "
i eventually gave up, the smile forming on my face. he grinned at the sight, almost as if just watching me smile, was enough to make him do the same.

" okay... that actually sounds great. thank you " i said honestly, as he stood up, dusting off his jeans.
for some reason, i felt relieved. i didn't want to return home, even just for a night. i was also excited. i'd never done anything like this before, besides with my parents coworkers, snobby children.
this time was different. i was going to ethan's home. and he was someone who i genuinely cared about.

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