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i was still sat down on the platform when ethan looked down at me, holding his hand out.
i smiled, lacing my fingers with his as he pulled me up, bringing me close to him as he helped me over the railing, and onto the road.

for the first time, the two of us headed down the dark and extremely familiar road together, hand in hand, as if neither of us had ever went there to end it all in the first place.
he would swing our hands as we walked, always turning to the side to look at me, and always smiling a little at the sight. he probably thought i didn't see him doing so, but his cheesy and adorable smile was something i'd always want to see, i couldn't help myself.

after around a fifteen minute walk, we ended up on ethan's street. it was completely empty at this time of night, with small houses, a lot different to the ones where i lived.
i didn't mind the change, though. i hated my neighbourhood, everyone was snobby and ignorant.
" and here it is " ethan said as we stopped in front of a house, one which had a tiny cobble driveway, and a cute little path.
i frowned when i noticed just how uncomfortable ethan was as he lead me up the path, and opened the front door in an instant.

as soon as i stepped into the house i noticed just how different it was from my own. it was quite basic, but i liked that. it wasn't extravagant, with fancy chandeliers and ornaments, it was homely. however, i instantly noticed the many cardboard boxes in a corner of the room, scattered across the floor. they were each packed to the brim with things i couldn't see, but the large writing on the side of the boxes was as clear as day.
to sell, it said.

i was pulled from my thoughts when i looked up from the wooden floor towards the doorway, where a women who looked as if she were in her mid forties stood, dressed in some jeans and a pink shirt. she was beautiful, and the lack of hair on her head didn't go unnoticed.

" mom, i uh.. i didn't know you were home " ethan nervously spoke up as he looked at his mother, who was looking between the two of us in confusion.
i grew quite scared pretty quickly, but when a grin outstretched across her cheeks, a wave of relief washed over me.
" where else would i be?! i'm lisa! " she smiled, heading towards me and opening her arms.
i smiled back at the kind lady, letting her embrace me in a warm and welcoming hug.
" i'm molly, ethan's friend "
she immediately clapped her hands happily, her smile being almost identical to her sons.
" lovely to meet you, sweetie! ethan hasn't had a friend over in years!! " she nearly cheered, clearly happy that i was here.
i looked back at the boy, who's cheeks were red out of embarrassment.
" mom- " he tried to stop her from going on, but she'd already rested her small hand on my shoulder.
lisa was very thin, her cheekbones defined and her eyes dark and heavy. but she was still glowing, and her positive energy had already lifted my spirits.

" i'm making dinner soon, would you like me to set a place for you at the table? " lisa asked me, a grin forming on my face, until ethan shook his head.
" mom, we're fine- " ethan tried to tell her no, before i cut him off with a smile.
" i'd love that "

i looked at the baby photos that lisa had provided me with, and smiled at the adorable picture of ethan holding a fish, proud of what he'd caught.
i giggled at another, before turning over the page, my eyes sticking to a family photo, one of ethan, his brother grayson, lisa, a girl, whom i guessed was his sister, and his dad.
i looked at it carefully, everyone's smiles wide and filled with happiness.
" this was a few years before he left " ethan told me, suddenly standing behind me.
i hadn't even realised he was there, but i quickly looked up at him with a sympathetic smile. i felt terrible for this boy.

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