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i laughed a loud laugh as ethan and i collapsed onto the sofa, people giving us weird looks.
no one had a clue who i was, or why i was here with ethan, but i didn't care. i was actually having a good time.

just as i thought i'd stopped laughing, the image of ethan attempting to twerk against me on the dance floor like he was doing before, came back to mind, making me burst into another fit of giggles.
ethan watched me with a grin, his arms resting on the back of the sofa, one behind me.

just as i was about to ask him something in my hyper mood, grayson and aidan joined us, the blonde haired boy letting out a sigh.
" i drove her home... she was pissed and all over some college guy, so " aidan told us, while ethan rolled his eyes.
he placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, shaking his head in disbelief.
" sorry, i don't want to depress you guys- " aidan laughed gently, the hurt in his eyes still there, though he tried to act as if he were okay.

i felt horrible for him, i really did. i knew what it was like to get walked all over, and so
my heart had broken for the boy.
grayson smiled a little, sipping on his soda.
" it's alright, man " grayson said, shaking his

that was until it snapped into the direction of the front door, his jaw clenching a little at the sight of eager teens, and loud chants.
" and there he is... king of the school "
my eyebrows furrowed when i heard his sarcastic words, my eyes scanning the crowd for whoever the twins and aidan were looking at, hatred filling their eyes.
i couldn't see him because of the group of people all surrounding him, high fiving and welcoming him to the party.
" i'm still pissed at him for getting you kicked off of the team, bro... that was low " aidan huffed, crossing his arms against his chest.
that was when ethan laughed, bringing his coca cola to his lips.
" well, what can you do? at least you beat the shit out of him for it " ethan smirked, patting his friends back.
aidan smirked back, nodding his head.

so this was apparently the guy who'd gotten ethan and grayson kicked off of the football team, and who aidan had gotten into a fight with over it for the twins.
i wanted to see him, give him the bitchiest glare and leave, but when the group surrounding him subsided, and i saw his familiar dirty blonde hair, my heart dropped to my toes.

" daniel preston, biggest douche of
the century "
ethan said this into my ear, his lips so close to me, something which would
usually make me shiver.
but i couldn't concentrate on that, all that was filling up my mind was the fact that he was here, that i was here.

before i could even think i'd jumped up from the sofa, spilling my drink on the floor a little, as i looked back at the boys who were as confused as could be.
" i-i need to go " i rushed out before barging through the crowd, deliberately heading in the opposite direction from daniel.

i ended up heading out to the back of the house, stepping out into the large back garden, with a huge pool in the centre. i needed to breathe, because it felt as if i'd nearly forgotten how to at this point.
" what's wrong, mol? are you okay? " ethan was suddenly beside me, noticing that my eyes were glossy with tears, and i was shaking uncontrollably.
he brought me into his arms, pulling away a little to look down at me. i knew he wanted answers, and i had to try my best to give him them. as much as i didn't want to.
" h-he's here, e-ethan "
was all i could say, my breathing heavy as i drank some more of my coke, trying to soothe my throat, which felt as dry as the sahara desert.

if daniel were to see me here, this would all be over. ethan and i, our relationship, or whatever it was, the sneaking out, just everything.
it was like i was living a double life, and i didn't want this one to be thrown away.
" who's here, molly? " ethan asked me with a panic filled voice, his hands holding onto my waist comfortingly, trying to calm me down.

that was until a loud cheer erupted from the doors id just came out from, my eyes peaking towards them. there's stood daniel, a red solo cup in his hand as he brought it up to his lips, sipping on what i knew would be alcohol.
ethan's gaze clearly followed my own, as he suddenly turned around, his hazel eyes snapping to the boy who'd caused
me so much harm.
the boy who'd also caused ethan, so much harm.

that was when everything clicked in ethan's head, his eyes turning dark and his jaw clenching as he turned back to me, the anger filling up his orbs.
my heart began to pound even faster when he let out an unsteady breath, his chest already heaving up and down.
" i'm sorry " was all he said, as he suddenly turned on his foot, beginning to storm up the steps, and towards daniel.

it took me a while to realise what was going on, but as soon as i did i followed after him, shouting his name in a desperate voice, no matter who looked at me strangely.
i had to stop him, i had to. but it was too late.

" what're you starting now, dolan? not gonna hide behind your frie- " daniel began speaking when he approached, being cut off by ethan's fist flying through the air, and towards his jaw.
everyone oohed loudly, a circle forming around the two as i desperately tried to pry myself through the excited and drunk teens.

daniel had no clue what ethan was
fighting over, but when he regained his balance after the one punch ethan had threw, he noticed me stood a little behind him. shit.
" what the fuck are you doing here, nadine? "
i gulped when he spoke, it was officially
all over. he knows i'm here.
" don't fucking talk to her! " ethan yelled before i could speak, the smirk suddenly stretching out across daniel's face.
he watched in amazement as his arms folded against his chest, silence taking over the back garden, though whispers were still heard from the people surrounding us.
" this is hilarious... why're you here with ethan dolan? " he cackled, as if it were

ethan didn't care about his words, because he heard them everyday at school, i guessed. but when daniel suddenly grabbed my arm, his fingers digging into my skin... it was as if a switch was flicked in the boy's head, and he pounced out of pure age.
ethan punched the vile boy again, knocking him back a little, while daniel tried to shrug it off. that was when he fought back, tackling ethan to the floor, throwing punches all over his face. i could see the blood beginning to dribble from his nose and lip, and the fear began to rise in the pit of my stomach.
" ethan, stop! " i yelled, hoping that my voice
would stop him.
i wasn't about to run in the middle of it, because we all know that it never ends well.

i thought all hope was lost when daniel pinned ethan to the floor, but everything changed when daniel least expected it.
it was as if ethan had a sudden urge of strength as he flipped daniel over, rising to his feet as he threw a punch down at his body, one at his face, and one at his jaw. his face was heavily bruised already, extremely cut up and red.

daniel tried one last time to fight the battle, as he stood up, slightly breathless. however, when ethan kneed him straight in the stomach, with one last punch to the face, this time in the eye, he fell to the ground instantly, the small crowd going wild.

in terrible timing, grayson and aidan rushed out of the house, the scene which was just now ending playing before their eyes. people were cheering, watching as ethan gave the boy a piece of his mind.
" ethan, come on, bro.. chill " grayson yelled with a panic filled voice, his arms grabbing onto his brothers body as he tried to pry him away.
ethan pushed him back, however, his chest heaving up and down, and his jaw clenching non stop, on repeat.
" fuck you " was all he could muster breathlessly, as he made his way through the crowd, leaving the three of us speechless.

i didn't even hesitate before i'd pushed through also, following after the angry boy, who was going to god knows where.
but when i saw him sat on the edge of the pavement, his head in his hands, my heart sank. i knew where i wanted to take him, where
i had to take him.

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