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" you didn't have to do that, molly " ethan said as he shut his bedroom door, looking back at me, shrugging my shoulders.
" i didn't have to, but i did. so shut it " i laughed, a sigh leaving the boy's lips as he joined me on his bed.

as soon as he did so i noticed the black box on his dresser, the same black box which had fell from his shelf, and spilled out a load of beautiful drawings. i felt my stomach turn, i wanted to see those drawings of me, and tell him that they were amazing.
but he would've shown me by now, if he wanted me to see them.

" thank you " ethan smiled, only for me to shake my head.
" don't thank me, it's nothing "
" but it isn't nothing, molly " ethan told me, making my eyebrows furrow, as he shuffled closer to me.
" just that, made my mom happy. so yes, i do need to thank you "
i smiled a little at this, the blush rising to my cheeks as he said this.

however, it only got worse when ethan's eyes scanned across every detail of my face, from my green eyes, to my cheekbones, to my nose, and to my lips. that was when he froze, completely lost in his imagination, his eyes shimmering with passion.
" you're amazing, mol "
was all he said, his words barely above a whisper. my cheeks turned crimson red this time, ethan's hand raising up from the mattress we were sat on, to under my jaw, and onto my cheek slightly.

my heart was skipping several beats at once, an indescribable feeling rushing through my body as he began to lean closer to me, his eyes fluttering shut, and mine doing the same.
his lips weren't touching my own, but they were so close, so close that i could feel myself craving it, and so close that i could feel his hot breath fanning against my skin. it sent goosebumps all over my body, and we were so in the moment.

that was until my phone dinged, making me jump back in fear at the sudden noise.
we were lost in our own world, just the two of us, and we were now knocked back into reality.
ethan leaned back awkwardly, coughing a little to get rid of the tension, as i forced a smile sheepishly, looking down at my phone.

new text from annie:

your parents are getting suspicious, hurry home

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