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i tapped my fingertips on my wooden desk, my bedroom door locked. the night sky was glowing partially from the stars, lighting it up, making me ten times more eager to go outside.

as soon as i heard my mother's heels coming up the stairs, i tiptoed away from my door, her footsteps leading towards her bedroom, where the door slammed angrily.

i took that as my time, as i quietly pulled open my window, my legs going over the side as i landed on the balcony. id done this many times, in fact, id been doing this every single night ever since last year. ever since i was about to jump.

i climbed down the railing excitedly, thankful to be getting some fresh air, something i rarely had. my parents hardly ever let me leave the house, so when i do, it's always sneaking out.

my legs dragged me across the grass, my body whizzing with adrenaline as i sprinted over my large garden, a garden far too big to even be one. it was more like a field, a field which was empty and lifeless.

i eventually reached the metal gate, which i climbed over carefully yet quickly, landing on the other side with a thud.
my eyes pealed up from the ground to the trees ahead of me, darkness surrounding them. right there behind that forest was the bridge, the bridge i'd been going to nearly every night, just to sit, and watch the river.
it was calming. it allowed me to escape for a while. and boy, did i need an escape.

i let out a breath as i got to the bridge, my feet taking quiet and small steps. i was in no rush, but when my green eyes looked upwards towards the railing, i stopped dead in my tracks.
quiet sobs were heard in the distance, as a figure held tightly onto the wired bar, staring down at the water. one slight movement, and he'd be gone. he'd be in the water, unable to breathe, unable to help himself.

i didn't want to say anything that could startle the boy, but i knew i had to say something.
i was annoyed last year when someone had stopped my chances at ending it all, but i'm starting to understand why. seeing someone else hanging over the edge of that railing really is terrifying.

whoever he was, whatever reason he was there for, i wouldn't judge. id been in that place, i almost still was, i just refused to act on it.
everyone has their problems,
but everyone has different ways of acting on them, was what i told myself.

" please " i croaked out, my voice small and quiet " don't "
he knew i was there, but he didn't move a muscle. his cries got quieter, yet his breathing got heavier. he was probably just as pissed as i was.

the boy was wearing a dark black hoodie and some sweatpants, the hood covering his hair and back of his head. he was quite tall, probably around 5'11 or 6ft, and his shoulders were broad and masculine.
i just wondered what had brought him here, why he was tempted to jump.

" you don't want to die this way. trust me " was what i told him, taking small steps towards him, so quietly that he probably couldn't hear me inching closer.
my heart was beating heavily out of nervousness, but it only increased when he spoke up, and his somewhat familiar, deep voice immediately hit me like a ton of bricks.
" why? you don't even know me " he wept, his voice shaky as he took a small step back from the railing, his arms now resting against the cold metal.

i found myself walking towards him, soon enough his presence right beside me. his breathing was hard and his chest was heaving up and down, but i didn't look at him. i knew who he was. not personally, or not even what he looked like. but i knew one thing for certain.
" i know that you saved me once " i announced, silence following shortly after as he sucked in a long breath, just as shocked as i was.
" and i'm not leaving until you get down from that damn railing " i repeated exactly what he'd told me a year ago, the words which somehow managed to persuade me.

he hesitated, his head suddenly snapping into my direction, giving me a look at his face for the first time. his features were all very defined, with his dark hazel eyes, and his plump pink lips. when he turned back to the side i got a view of his jawline, something which was carved to perfection, by the gods themselves. wow.
" here, sit down " i shrugged, slipping down next to the railing beside him, my feet dangling over the edge.
he hesitantly sat down beside me, his legs also dangling over the edge, and his eyes taking in the view of the rushing water beneath us.

after a long while of comfortable silence, the boy's quiet and broken voice spoke up, though he remained staring out at the view ahead of us.
" w-were you going to.. uh, try and jump, again? "
i could tell that he didn't want to seem nosy, and i understood.
" no, actually. ever since last year i've been coming here nearly every night, just for the quiet. it's calming " i said honestly, shrugging my shoulders.
he nodded, letting out a sigh as he glanced down at the rocks, where his body probably would have been laying if i hadn't turned up when i did. where my body would have most definitely been laying, if he didn't stop me last year.

i suddenly became intrigued. this was the boy who saved me, and as much as i hate my family, and what i have to live with, i'm somewhat glad he did.
" im molly. whats your name? " i asked, a friendly smile on my face as i looked up at the boy.
he turned towards me fully, his eyes scanning across my face as his hand wiped the tears from under his eyes, forcing a smile back.
" ethan "

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