twenty one

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ethan's pov.

i walked down my road, smiling to myself cheesily. if anyone were to see me, they'd think i was mental, but really, i was just happy.

in fact, i was beyond happy. i'd just kissed molly, and there wasn't a way to possibly describe just how amazing it was.

i reached my small house, letting out a breath as i headed up the tiny cobble pathway. nothing could live up to that moment on the bridge. nothing ever will, it was truly

the feeling of molly's soft pink lips connecting with my own was like no other, and i already missed it. i kept replaying the moment over and over again, wishing that i could relive it, just as many times.

i pushed open my front door, kicking off my shoes. as soon as i did so i placed them neatly at the bottom of the stairs, pulling my jacket off of my body.
i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, my lips parting slightly at the sight.
i looked terrible. my lip was badly cut up, and my eye was already bruising, with dry blood covering my cheek, and chin.

" mom? " i called out, not sure of where she was, or if she were even awake.
however, when i turned the corner of my small house to see her sat on the sofa, next to a woman and a man, i stopped dead in my tracks.

i didn't know who they were, but when i turned to see daniel preston, and his parents sat on the other couch, i gulped nervously.
my eyes snapped back to the woman my mother was seated next to, her short red hair reminding me of the girl i love's.
she's molly's mother.

" what's going on? " i asked, stepping back slightly as i looked desperately at my mom, wanting her to wake me up from this nightmare.
but when she patted the seat beside her with glossy eyes, and a shaky hand, i knew it wasn't a nightmare. it was reality.
" ethan, this is elizabeth adderley,
molly's moth- "
my mom tried introducing me to the lady,
who rudely cut her off, looking at me and my mother in disgust.
" her name's nadine, not molly! " she viciously snapped, the man who i'd guessed was molly's father, placing his hand on her back.

i remained standing, not wanting to
leave the doorway.
the room was filled with tension, a thick silence taking over. i could feel daniel staring at me intently, his glare one that could kill, as his parents eyed me up and down.
" my daughters getting married next year- "
" yes, i know "
i interrupted elizabeth, my patience quickly
running out. i hated this woman, i hated her, and all she'd done to my molly.

i was beginning to feel the anger rush throughout my body, my face heating up as i tried to keep my cool. it wasn't working.
" i don't approve of you, being in the... financial state, you're in... being associated with nadine "

my eyes went wide as she said this, my fists curling up into balls, the vein most likely popping out of my neck.
" what? because i'm not rich and ignorant? you're unbelievable! " i yelled, my voice loud and angry.
i looked back at my mom, who's eyes were filled with fear, as she sat and silently pleaded for me to stop. she was intimidated, because she knew that they could ruin us by the flick of a switch.
" and to assault my son, because of such a thing, is absurd! " mr preston spoke up, his voice booming through the small room.

my chest began heaving up and down as i listened to this, wanting to punch the smirk off of daniel's face.
" we have a deal, we would like to suggest "

as soon as molly's father said this i laughed out loud, a laugh of pure hatred and disbelief.
" a deal? fucking hell, you can't be serious! "
they ignored my yelling, instead carrying on with whatever they wanted to oppose.
" if you agree to this deal, then you'll leave this unharmed. we could do a lot of damage to you and this family of yours "
when she said this i felt my jaw clench, turning to look at the fireplace, which was crackling.
the orange colour of the flame glowed, lighting up the whole entire room.

that was when mrs adderley's voice sounded once more, her words leaving me speechless, unable to think, unable to move.

" if you stop talking to our daughter, and break all contact with her, then your mother's medical bills will be paid "

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